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MarauderCon this Saturday

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Hey all,

For those of you in the DC/Baltimore area, Maraudercon is going on this coming Saturday. Myself and a couple other authors you guys may know (*cough* Floyd *cough*). Will be there hanging out, signing books and looking for good models to build.

See you there!


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I wish I could be there, my kid goes to Towson University right down the road. Everytime we visit form the west coast we make a right hand turn right by the armory to go to Towson. (Personally love Towsons Best Chinese restaurant, and the Orient as well!)

My wife is out there now, but I am back here in sunny CA. Bachalor for a week ;) Getting some good building in and a couple of movies she might not like ( Zohan and Raiders both out on DVD).

I have got to schedule a trip out there at the same time you do your next show.

Good luck, hope you have good weather, good turnout and lots of fun!




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Yeah I'll be there with Werner's Wings stuff for sale, some kits, of course the new Master Class Model Building Videos. I may have one book left. I will be there signing books if you bring one. I will also have some preview items there, such as the new TOW racks. Only pre-production stuff but you can look it over.

I'll be hanging out with Jon, Dave and Theresa and Chris Miller from the Cobra Company.

Yes you heard me right, Chris will be there with goodies to sell. It is good to see him back.

I hope to see a bunch of you there. It should be a good show. Let's make the helicopters have a great show.


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Finally met some of the great guys on the forum.

Floyd Werner, thanks for the trade for the book. It looks great!

Jon Bernstein, your book looks great too. I wish I had more cash, but you saw my entourage (kids needed a snack). Your walkaround is on the Get List.

Chris from Cobra Co, your stuff looks even more impressive in person.

It's really nice to put faces to names from ARC.

Nice meeting all you guys.

Mike H.

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Wow, Chris,Jon and Floyd at the same model contest?Man I wish I lived close to Maryland but Cincinnati will have to do.Hope all!!!!! of you guys will be at the 2009 Nats in Colombus next year!!!Maybe then I'll get to meet all of you!

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Wow, Chris,Jon and Floyd at the same model contest?Man I wish I lived close to Maryland but Cincinnati will have to do.Hope all!!!!! of you guys will be at the 2009 Nats in Colombus next year!!!Maybe then I'll get to meet all of you!

I'll be there. Probably doing a demonstration.


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I'll do my best to be there. Maybe I'll have the UH-2A or HH-3E done by then.

Great seeing everyone today and I really had a great time! Came home and immediately got back into my UH-2A bigtime.

Mike, sorry about the patch, but I'll send it off to you on Monday.


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