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Kiowa Warrior 'What if'

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I've asked a similar question before but now that I have Floyd's walkaround I've thought more about this 'What if'

It says in the book that the weapons on the OH-58D can be fired with grease targeting marks on the windshield.

So would it be feasible to strip a Kiowa of the radar and black boxes to add a door gunner. Do you think it would have one pilot and one gunner or two and two? I'm thinking one and one if I kept a rocket pod and .50 cal.

What do you all think?

Mike H.

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Dunno if it would work, but I would think going "old school" with a Pilot and Observer up front with a single Gunner in the back with a -60/saw would be a good way to do it. That is, if it is possible as you say.

I will go back into my closet now.

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