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heavy loaded FB-111

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I remember seeing the pic with the 50 x M117's loaded on the Vark on the back of the Air Force Association magazine back in the late 60's ... 48 under the wings and 2 in the bomb bay ... one of my all time favorites.

Gary F

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Gawd almighty! To be honest I was a bit skeptical was well, but.... seeing is believing. The -111's slender wings are a lot stronger than they look, at least in my opinion. I'm guessing that load was never carried operationally, even in Vietnam. More like just to see if it could be done. Thank you for the picture Finn. GaryF or anybody you wouldn't happen to have the pic with 50 750 pounders available to post would you? Would like to see that one too.

Thanks again guys!

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Normally on the FB I think only 4 stations would be used for multi bomb loads.

The pylons on the FB were a little strange. If stations 4 & 5 were used with MER's then the wings would not be able to sweep back without the load on those pylons touching the fuselarge. SRAM's and B-61's could be carried here with full wing sweep.

Pylons 2 & 7 definatly did not move with wing sweep and I think the same for 1 & 8 though I have not seen any pictures of 1 & 8 in use apart from ground publicity shots.

Check out http://www.fb-111a.net for some great FB-111 pics.


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Pylons 1,2, 7 & 8 are fixed, they do not rotate with the wings like pylons 3, 4, 5 & 6 do the angel is 26 degrees of sweep.

At 26 degrees the flaps and spoilers can still be used, but on take off the wings would be forward so the outer 4 pylons wouldnt face front like the 4 inner pylons would.

I have the picture your taking about but its not digital and I dont have a scanner so I cant post it :woot.gif:

They tested a lot of other loads, but none so "grand" as 50x 750lb M117's

I seem to remember each pylon was stressed to take over 6,000lbs, so in theory she could do 6x 1000lbs per pylon, but the FB-111A was the only type to use stations 2 & 7 operationally and none used stations 1 & 8, though the provision was still there to take them, even on the short wing jets.

As for range when carrying a load like that, it might be more than you would imagine, remembering her fuel load alone will weight in more than a full combat loaded F-16.

Cold war central heating...

A tornado would forward deply to Germany, take off, inflight refuel and strike targets in Russia and then return to Germany.

An F-111E/F would have forward deployed to Greenham Common in the UK, she woud take off, inflight refuel and strike targets in Russia that were beyond the range of the Tornados, and then return to the UK... Oh and she would have carried a heavier load and do more low level Mach 1.2+ flight time than the Tornado

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I've been looking thru some of my old stuff and found one pic dated March 1966 showing a nose on shot of F-111A loaded with '36 of the 50 M117's it can carry' (quote was the pic caption). Has 4 TER's and 4 MER's. Bomb bay doors are open but can't tell if there's anything in there. I'll try to get it scanned tomorrow.

I also saw another pic, this one in flight, and it had either 6 or 8 TER's loaded with napalm canisters, in the process of dropping them.

Still looking for the big load with 50 M117's ...

Gary F

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I'm guessing that load was never carried operationally, even in Vietnam.

You're guessing right. The maximum number of bombs carried operationally in SEA was (AFAIK) twelve (either Mk. 82 or M117) on BRU racks on the #3 and 6 hardpoints.

I don't believe there were ever bombs carried in the bay in the Vietnam years, although internal carriage of a AIM-9B on a trapeze was tested.



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I also saw another pic, this one in flight, and it had either 6 or 8 TER's loaded with napalm canisters, in the process of dropping them.

Gary F

That was from the early F-111A test program, it was 8x TERs each loaded with 3x canisters, they measured all kinds of things, if you look at the wing tips you can see the fairings for the cameras so they could see the weapons seperation.

The Harvest Reapers usually carried 12x M117s on stations 3 & 6, Combat Lancer deployment learned from some mistakes and developements, they were loaded heavier and they carried among others loads of 24x Mk82 snake eyes on BRU-3/A's on stations 3, 4, 5 & 6

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Back in the '70s there was a USAF model display in one of the terminals in O'Hare. I clearly remember an F-111 with a psychotic number (36 or 48) of what I believe were M117s on the wings. Since I was just a kid I can't say for sure if these were 750s or 500s, but I do remember they looked fat. I was starting to build models at the time so I may have seen some decent representations of each to make a judgement. At least a few people in the AF had a vision in their head of a slow but deadly Aardvark.

There were many types of aircraft in the case, but this one stands out in my mind 30 years later. :worship:


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