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I suspect this has been posted, but Zvezda B767-300s

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Delta had both -200s and -300s with the -80A, so they were common enough in the US at least--including 2 of the 3 767s I've flown on.

Only the non-ER -300s had them. There were very few of those built. The huge majority of -300s built have been ER's.


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The dreamliner scheme. :salute:



Unfortunately for the cool "Dreamliner" scheme, Zvezda only gives us a couple of white "767" logos, a pair of "BOEING" logos and some white striping, the intricate electric blue and deep blue patterns being left to the braves who will dare to take this challenge. I'm sure this task will make german "sausages" and mottling and italian "circles" look like child play. Quite a dissapointment :salute:. What a pitty!

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Latest photos here, at the end of the thread http://www.airlinercafe.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=4441 , the nose section looks indeed strange on both build up model and sprue photos but I admit photo distorsion could be responsible of that strange look.

Good thing about Zvezda's kit, the landing gear strut angle (perpendicular on the Revell kit -> wrong), the nice looking engines (I like the separate exhaust cone and intake lip), the one piece wing/belly section and the, presumably and hopefully, petite Tu-154-like recessed details. The wing to fuselage attachment looks interesting.

Too bad about the Boeing corporate livery decals anyway I prefer airline liveries.

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May I just interject that the "Dreamliner" scheme has never appeared on a real 767-300, so it would be a fantasy scheme if you actually did it. That said, I may have to get one to do this with:



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  • 3 years later...
Hi vc-10, yep early 767-200s had these "early" CF6-80A2s (which Revell may have tried to reproduce in their 767 kits?... it is true that the Revell engines look more like early CF6s) while 767-300s and late -200 had the "newer" CF6-80C2B7Fs that are, from a modeler's point of view, identical to those powering the 747-400.

Hmmm, those Zvezda photos are indeed small but the engines, late CF6s, look very nice. And I read that, regarding the main landing gears, even the brake disc blocs and linkeage are provided, "à la Revell A330/A340". And the belly/wing-fuselage fairing looks to be much better shaped.

Gosh I love :woot.gif: that kit already!

I came to notice that it actually does look exactly alike . Well a handful of 200s and so as the 300s had P and W JT9s which are also identical to CF6s.

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P and W JT9s which are also identical to CF6s.

They are not identical, the differences between PW and "early", or even "late", GE engines are clearly visible.

767 JT9D and PW4000 engines are indeed identical from a dimensional and outline point of view, but there may be slight differences in details such as latches or service doors.

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