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2009 CF-18 Hornet "CENTURY HORNET"

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I have now updated my website with more photos of the 2009 CF-18 Demo jet, Century Hornet. I have the first close ups of the scheme, including the 100 names of Canadians that changed the face of aviation. Over 40 photos now up on the site!






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Thank you for sharing these great shots. I love gold on a classic Hornet. This is MUCH better than the Charlie that the USN repainted in the prototype scheme, and I thought that was pretty snazzy. My first Hornet model was the Revell quarter scale prototype A model. I was probably nine, and left the plastic white and painted the blue and gold with Testor's enamel. Haven't been the same since. Now I'm thinking it's time to take off for the Great White North... :thumbsup:

A retrospective of Canadian demo Hornets would be a great group build for a big show. Has it been done?

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A retrospective of Canadian demo Hornets would be a great group build for a big show. Has it been done?

I have built 27 different CF-18s in 27 different schemes. There is still several to go, and a few that have never had decals made for. So I would GUESS near 40 different special schemes.

Leading Edge decals, Canmilair and Flight decs have all made decals for various Hornets. Check their web sites and the CF-18 section in the Canadian Air force main site on various aircraft.

Another good source for photos is Hazers flightline.

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It took me a moment but I really dig that paint job. Classic, retro and cool all at the same time. I'm thinking it might be worth doing decals of a Canadian hornet because of this jet....


If you do a set in 1/32, I'm in for sets. :o

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