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OK...I am embarrased to ask but I don't know where else to ask. I should have known this before but, what is "Zoom" photo-etch? I know what regular photo-etch is but what makes it "zoom" photo-etch?


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No worries - no question's "stupid", its naturally to ask questions if you're not clear about anything ( and I have a ton!)

Zoom photo-etch as I understand, is made by Eduard (yep the big photo-etch company that makes PE stuff for zillions of builds). Normal photo etch is their standard offering, and zoom is just a watered down version of that. A zoom photo etch typically contains critical elements of the normal photo etch set, but excludes a lot of the minor details present in the normal set.


Usually a normal set would contain 1 fret with the critical elements, and another sprue with the other details. A ZOOM set may only contain that one critical details fret.

You can do a simple comparison of the subject you're interested in by viewing the sprues and/or the instruction PDFs available at Eduard's website. www.eduard.cz

Hope this helps!


Edited by konbini
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OK...I am embarrased to ask but I don't know where else to ask. I should have known this before but, what is "Zoom" photo-etch? I know what regular photo-etch is but what makes it "zoom" photo-etch?


Check this for example:

here is an instructionsheet of a "REGULAR" PE-Set from Eduard


this is the instructionsheet for the "ZOOM-Version" of the same PE-Set from Eduard.

As You can see ZOOM-Sets are just for rudimentary upgrading ...


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