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How many in work?

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I have seen that many people have many different models in work. I ALWAYS have just one model in work. I am afraid I would confuse myself if I had more than one. I don't even know how I would do such a thing, logisticly speaking. Am I the only one that just has one model "in-work" or am I in the majority?

Also, I have just 2 model kits to be built in my closet right now. It seems as though most model builders have many, many kits to be worked in which they have already. I have a pretty good idea which model will be worked when (what order they will be worked/finished). How many models do most or some of you have that have not been worked yet? Any responses will help in my future purchases of kits to be done. I will be able to tell my wife that I should have this many kits to be done yet. Maybe she will "let" me buy more!!

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Believe me, you are in a good situation, don't change it just because a lot of us don't have the focus that you have.

I do all kinds of models, from large scale figures, to large scale armor and aircraft. Depending on the definition of "in progress" builds, I might have something close to 50 in progress. Most are large scale figures that I assemble, fill gaps on, perhaps modify a bit, then usally put them away until I get the desire to paint them. These have built up over the years. Others are projects I might work on for a few days, then put away and not touch for months. Its as the desire strikes that I work on any particular model. At any time though, I might have 3-5 kits of various types actually "in progress" on a more active basis. Right now I have a Revell F-18E that I am messing around with, I just put a 1/32 Tamiya/Isra F-16 Sufa conversion project on the back burner before I decided to test fly it into a wall, and I am repainting and detailing an RC 1/16th Tiger I tank (a long term project of about a year now). This is a light load for me. I just decided to clean up my room, so several kits that were in an active state of being built went into boxes. If I had the focus you have, I might actually get one of them finished, but I do enjoy the process as much as a finished product. At least I think I do, as it's been so long since I finished one, I really don't remember what it feels like to call one done. As for "the stash", I probably have between 40 and 50 kits of aircraft and armor, and somewhere around seventy-five 120mm and larger figures.

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Five kits in the stash, workin' on two..well mostly on one, guess the second one is more like a refuge when I get frustrated with the other one. So we're pretty much on the same page.




About 40 kit in the stash

i'm working actively on 3/4 kits...

it just depends on the kind of work....

for example..if i'm quite done with a kit....i start doing the big job..on the following kit to build in my mind...like big sanding work...photoetched set(i hate them)...

but when i start to paint a kit...i give all my attention only to him..

anyway..on my work desk..actually there are :

1/72 hasegawa hawkeye....done...today picture time :-)

1/48 f-4s phantom hasegawa..with folded wings

1/48 hh-65 dolphin trumpeter ..big sanding work..and masking..than it will be ready to be painted..(i hope next week)

1/48 s-3 viking...(just woprking on cutting the wings..and try to fit the paragon wing folding sistem)

happy modelling


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I am working on 3 but for me that is a lot. I think in the future I would like to work on 1 at a time

1 - almost finalised Hase F14A VF 111 1:48 Tomcat

2 - A4E VC1 Hase 1:48 Skyhawk

3 - A4M Hase 1:48 Skyhawk

I have about 50 in the stash and always find it hard to decide what to build next. I worked out that I can manage about 9 / 10 kits a year so I have 4 / 5 years worth of stash :s

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I usually work on one at a time. That being said, I am actively working on 2 just now (see my sig below) but they are very different models requiring very different work: the F8 Crusader is in the construction stage and will be a straightforward build, whereas the Tornado IDS is in research and prep stage (mostly decal creation as it is an exotic special) so no actual plastic is being put together as yet.

I have far too many kits in the stash (200+)

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I'm currently working, more or less, on 5-6 kits. Some more active than others.. :P

About 300 kits in the stash. Sounds a lot so far in this thread, but I've heard about

stashes 1500+ kits, so I'm not the worst yet at least... :coolio:

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One always, unless a commission builds comes up. Then it gets priority while mine waits.

Only other time I build more the one is if the paint schemes are very similar, thus saving paint and time.

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I am working on 2 planes and a ship right now. I have about 50 kits in the stash. What usually happens for me is that I will try to focus on one kit at a time, but we all reach that stage where you want to throw it at the wall. That is when I box it back up and take it away. I have made a conscious effort to limit the kits in the room to 3, and focus on one at a time. I will use the time the kit is drying or setting, etc to plan my next build. I changed my focus when I realized I must have about 10 kits started out in the stash and nothing getting finished. Here's what's on my plate right now:

1- 1/48 Hobby Boss F-18C (almost finished decaling, ready for weathering) 90% complete

2- 1/32 MiG-21UM (fuselage completed, sub-assemblies need work) 60% complete

3- 1/350 USS New Jersey (hull assembled and painted, structures in progress) 50% complete

I'm working almost exclusively on the Hornet- it's sooo close to finished I can taste it. The Mig will get finished next - I'm not ready to return to the ship yet.

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I like the idea of doing one at a time, but Im like many others and dont have the patience or focus like you concentrating on one.

Right now Im working on a 1/72 Hasegawa F-111G (Applying decals at longlast :wub: )

1/72 Hasegawa Tornado F.3 ADV (Having the wings swept back)

1/72 Hasegawa Jaguar T2 (Having to blend and rescribe the wing to fuselage)

Im sure Ill probably do more kits at any given time but my wife wont allow that to happen

I have a stash of around 30 kits all in 1/72, all jets apart from a 1/72 Army Lynx and a 1/72 Fujimi Hawkeye

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#1 Too many (I have about 6 active, and a lot more inactive that have been put away until I'm in the mood to finish them), #2 more than I could fit in my truck in one trip (conservative estimate 800).

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I usually work on one kit at a time...when I´ve felt adventurous I´ve had two builds going, but it soon evaporated to just one project at a time :jaw-dropping:

Think I have around 50-60 kits in my stash and I usually have a pace of finishing about 10 kits a year.

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I was working on two kits, a Revell F-15E and a Tamiya F-16CJ, but I've put the CJ away for a while and am just concetrating on the Strike Eagle for the moment, as it's being built for a GB on another forum that ends December 31st. I find that in the past when I have tried to work on two kits at once, I loose interest in one and put it away. I've also found that when I've put a kit away, it's usually permanent. I start to looking at what I've done, think I can do better, and throw it away. So, I've quite doing that. For now (other than the CJ), it's going to be one kit at a time, start to finish.

As for question number two, I think I have less than 20 in my stash. I've got about 15 1/48 and 5 1/32.


Edited by strikeeagle801
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