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Hobby Boss A-10 discontiued?

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I added a reply to my other Hobby Boss A-10 topic but I am hoping it might get more attention here. Has anyone heard whether or not Hobby Boss is dicontinuing its 1:48 A-10? While I was looking for the kit for cheaper than what I have found I got to the Hobbylinc.com website. There it said that the 1:48 Hobby Boss A-10 is discotinued. I hope that it is just discontinued at Hobbylinc and that I can get the kit somewhere else later.


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On the HB website some of the older kits are no longer there - the A-10s, F/A-18s and Rafales. It may just be a case of rotating what they have in stock


Remember all companies phase items in and out of thier catalogs over time. I figure the troika of early 48th HB releases will show up again once time has passed and the market for them returns


Edited by Matt Roberts
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Price for the 1:48 Hobby Boss A-10 has ranged $41 to $83. I am skeptical about the $41 kit (Luckymodel). "You get what you pay for" keeps coming to mind. The box looks the same. It is the one that I am looking for (it appears). I would like to get more input before I make a decsion. Any input from anyone?

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Same kit....you have just discovered the joys of Hong Kong hobby shops...even with shipping Raymonds prices will usually be at less than two thirds what just the MSRP is here from MMD/Squadron

The only thing is watch the 'Available' vs 'In Stock' status. In Stock means just that - Available means that they have to order from thier distributors


Here is Hobby Easy's Hawg. I prefer Lucky Model but I have purchased a couple of times from these guys.


Edited by Matt Roberts
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