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Nuke shapes, DIRCM & MILSTAR

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Just ordered 2 sets of DIRCM. Are you going to do some LIRCM? I work MC-130P's and we use LIRCM. How about a set of IFR pods also? You rock for making these!

These! I'm sure you would have a market for them! Throw in a FLIR ball and you can make most USAF special ops Herks! The Marines also use these pods!



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These! I'm sure you would have a market for them! Throw in a FLIR ball and you can make most USAF special ops Herks! The Marines also use these pods!


Flightpath already offers this type of pod, however, nobody makes an MCARS in any scale. They aren't really common though, so I wouldn't get too worried about it.

Hoops, I was thinking of the nukes.

Ah, can't help there, sorry


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Hoops, I was thinking of the nukes.

Google turned up the following.

B-58 sitting alert with 4 B43's here

Some info and pics of F-100 with B28 here and here.

Some B57 pictures on a truck though

Some more info here on "special weapons."

Additional info on F-100 sitting alert in Korea here I found the following comment from the last site interesting from a modeling perspective:

When we went to K-8 almost the same drill around the clock two of the six A/C were hot! and they did have Mk-27s, sidewinders, and the cannon were charged...

AIM-9s and nukes on an F-100; that would be an out of the ordinary load on an F-100 model.



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B-58 sitting alert with 4 B43's here

Some B57 pictures on a truck though

Some more info here on "special weapons."



Those are some interesting pictures. Especially B-58 alert shots and the one with the maint / security crews posing with what I assume to be live weapons on the deck of a carrier. I'm curious what the "rules of engagement" are for taking military personal pictures of live nukes? You see so very few pictures out there of live weapons, either on aircraft or just solo, except for a few official pictures. I had assumed that this was because of security issues. If so, does that mean that the pictures above were taken illicitly? Just curious....


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Some questions:

1. How can you add the shipping charges to your order? When I put in my Zip Code, it zeroes out the shipping.

2. How do you use your credit card, if you do NOT use Paypal? Is your credit card processed through Paypal?

3. Do you plan on doing the DIRCMs in 1/48?


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Those are some interesting pictures. Especially B-58 alert shots and the one with the maint / security crews posing with what I assume to be live weapons on the deck of a carrier. I'm curious what the "rules of engagement" are for taking military personal pictures of live nukes? You see so very few pictures out there of live weapons, either on aircraft or just solo, except for a few official pictures. I had assumed that this was because of security issues. If so, does that mean that the pictures above were taken illicitly? Just curious....


I suspect it went on more than the authorities would like to think about. Click here. The internet has simply made it obvious.



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