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My entries into this group build.

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The Jag should be fine because you said it would be a repaint. The Tomcat is right at the 30% limit, but is allowed. Everything else looks good, also. Welcome to the group build and have fun!


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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm rooting for ya bro!...That Hornet is sure looking sweet... :whistle:


Thanks Mark! No photo update today but I sprayed on the Future, got the gears, wheels, gear doors all sludge washed and cleaned up. Just have to paint the kit ejection seat and bombs. Hornet will be armed with AIM-9s but still got to dig up my Italeri Super Hornet and rob it of the missiles. By the time I get home from work, it'll be ready to decal. Can't wait!

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Quick and dirty photo update: Just completed adding the decals to my Hornet. Cue evil laughter. Muwhahahahahahahahahahahahahahah! Just a few more things to do. Don't worry, that canopy isn't attached yet. Just wanted to see how it looks like. :D More later. Hee hee, forgot to add the tail slime lights...


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Love Stinger 300 in the early TPS. May have to do that one myself someday. A Hornet on a Hornet. :woo:

I'm wishing for the early TPS markings and current F/A-18C VFA-113 markings in 1/48. Only ones I could find are in 1/72 :)

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  • 1 month later...

Well, here's my update. Took quite a long break (a vacation actually!) on this build only to have the deadline creep up pretty fast! Here's my progress. Got some bombs painted up with ablative coating (you can't see it now but I'll take another pic when done); noses still need the yellow bands on them. The Hornet itself got a wash of Europe I gray and the jet ended up getting dirtied up at the same time. Needs a flat coat then I'll add more spot primer and chalk to weather the TPS some more. I'll also need to add oil stains and leaks! Thought I'd get some work done over the past weekend...NOT...hopefully will make the deadline. More to follow.


Edited by PlasticWeapons
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