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Where do you guys/gals get your news from?

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Hello All,

Just curious, where do you guys and gals get most your news from? Internet, TV, radio, print? The regulars like CNN, MSNBC, Fox, BBC, ect? Do you get it mostly from the internet be it the big guys or blogs? Do you still read physical newspapers?

Just wondering, think it would be interesting.

Myself lately I have been trying to avoid local news channels, they seem to report nothing useful AT ALL. I get tons of news from various places on the net from the big guys to individual blogs. I really like to get various reports/stories from sites like Digg.com. On TV I have started to watch the PBS Newshour seems to pick up a good amount of world/national news.

Keep it nice,


Edited by camaroz06
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1. National Public Radio

2. The Des Moines Register

3. Newsweek

4. The Week magazine (capsulized news and opinion from around the world, with fair coverage of all points of view)

5. BBC World Service (radio)

I don't listen to commericial radio at all, and I do not have any sort of outside TV connection, mainly because I can't stand what passes for "news" on the cable and satelite channels, and I completely agree; the vapid brain candy that passes for local "news" is a complete joke and a waste of time.

I'm not sure this topic can avoid becoming political, BTW, which is why I got my answer in early!


Old Blind Dog

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Hopefully it can just stay unpolitical, I think that local news around here (Boston) is horrible. One day all the local channels spent multiple segments on how our Mayor, Thomas Menino, confused Jason Varitek and Adam Vinatieri. Any time a damn bear shows up it makes ALL the local reports... Useless stuff.

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Internet: thestar.com, msnbc.com, foxnews.com, bbc.com. Yeah I know, it's ridiculous I have to read the views from the left, right, and center on a single piece of news to get what I hope is the whole picture.

Newspaper: The Toronto Star, on weekends only


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Got NPR, USA Today and Flight Global apps on my I am a spammer....please report this post., whatever good comes across AOL or the AP, and whatever I catch on the radio . . . Ever since the run-up to the last Presidential election I stopped watching the new on TV (except maybe a quick check on Headline News), and I dont bother with the local stuff 'cuz I hear about it from my associates.

Ves :angry:

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No TV. I don't believe their business model has ever really made for good reporting, and in the past three decades, it's worse.

Newspapers? Well, if I have to. But historically, even their "scoop" deadlines makes their reporting sketchy at times.

Magazines are my favorite. Frankly, if it's something I don't need to know within a week because it won't directly affect me (which is most national or international news), I rely on weekly magazines. Monthlies are better. I can't afford a subscription to the Economist, but I'd sure like one. I'm in libraries a lot, so I peruse them. I used to go to Slate, but lately it seems pretty lightweight.

Oh, and then some podcasts, but they tend to be specialty, like technology news.

As I get older, I start to appreciate local news more. It's the local taxes and decisions that, at the end of the day, people have the most potential to influence, I think (well, in a "cost-benefit" sense, anyway). Much that's in national or international news is essentially reported now a lot like sports, with more emphasis on teams and drama than serious analysis. And while I've written stuff to national-level politicians, and I vote every election, I like the potential for local awareness. By Tuesday night, I can be in front of a local politician at a town hall meeting, and there, he has to face me personally with whatever his latest scheme is.

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CQ, National Journal, New York Times, Des Moines Register, and the Chronicle of Higher Education.

We also get the local paper, strictly for info on events around town; it's otherwise not worth the paper it's printed on.



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Used to be Fox but I have gotten tired of thier moralizing and focus on 'cute co-ed murder of the week' coverage. Used to be local TV but when the first 5 stories on what idiots shot which idiot that makes barely the local news papers last page of the local section.... Local paper, yes I still read a newspaper, Wall Street Journal on line editorials, BBC world news when something interersting in the world happens (British election...Greek meltdown.....Haiti...whatever) and Economist magazine for economic news.

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I'm pretty much internet only these days, Generally I let Google News & Fark aggregate it for me but I check myriad sources on a regular basis depending on what's going on.


I've always wondered how many fellow Farkers are in here

(Fark #64531)


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Internet and satellite radio mostly. Usually FOX, but I scan the others too. ("Hostem Cogere" - roughly, "know (or confine) your enemy.") I like the local news on TV when I can fight the remote away from my twins!


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NPR is my primary broadcast source. I also like BBC on line. NBC TV news is good. Bangor Daily News does a good job of covering Maine via newspaper.

YMMV. I'm kind of a news junkie, former news writer.

Rick in Maine

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Mostly Internet sites, Foxnews.com, Drudge, Rush Limbaugh.

I need these right-wing news services to balance out all the left-wing media that is thrown in my face! I have to filter out the junk on both sides to find the middle-ground.

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CNN or Fox website (rarely), NBC or CBS for local news (even more rarely), and I never pick up a newspaper unless it's the sports page. I'm not really "up" on current events, much to the chagrin of my grandmother, who watches Fox News Channel pretty much all the time, and calls me up to tell me what laws passed, or what President Obama said today, or who was killed in this state or that state, etc., etc., and the first words out of my mouth are, "I didn't hear about this...what exactly are you talking about?" Basically, if it's not from the world of sports, I probably haven't heard about it.

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I quit watching the news back when I was deployed and everyone and their brother was running the news story about Anna Nicole Smith for 8 weeks non-stop on AFN (which was in the chow hall non-stop, so I got forcefed that BS...). So between that, and those excruciatingly lame AFN "commercials" (like squeeks the mouse doing opsec...*sigh*), I pretty much got weaned off of TV; and I can say without a doubt that I ain't missing anything; mine now only gets used for movies and xbox live. Back on topic, I get my news from Drudge, and sometimes from the local paper's website, that's it. I don't listen to the radio at all anymore as Ipod is my best friend when it comes to music; which is nice.



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CBC/SRC//RDI/CBCnews on TV (canada) ...then Google for some more infos and sites (when there's something interresting in the news)

Le Monde diplomatique on paper, for deeper world news (monthly... but also on the internet, when i don't want to go to the newsstands) a good source of slightly less "oriented" international news.

it's Amazing to see how there's much more things that happened in the world, than just what where involved in!

and... i hate local news in Quebec too we got that ****! MEN! we got that thing called TV, we can brodcast through the univers!...so let's use it for talking about that hole on that street! ...ask the average joe what he's thinking of! (do we really need to know what a nobody taken on the street can think of... whatever!)

i can see the hole with my bare eyes, it's there at my feets! but i don't care too much! i don't have a car, so i don't give a **** , like 100 000 other people in my city, so please lets put thoses things on AM radio instead!

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