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Sebastijan, if you have tips how you achieved that weathered "greyish" look on yours MiG-29 camo, i am listening...

I took the matt laquer and added a few drops of base grey coat in it - how much, I cannot tell, but I always try adding a few, spray a bit of mixture on a piece of paper, to see the result and if need be, I add a few more drops... Then I oversprayed the whole model with this mixture, adding some more of it on certain parts, to simulate different fading... I guess you could use a bit darker paint, then the light one you've choose and in the same step darken the light part of camo and lighten the dark one... Probably you could have used the grey from the back of the hump...

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  • 9 months later...

I wasn't happy with my camo colors, so i stripped them off.

I am thinking of doing a former Kursk machine now, in standard soviet colors, just very weathered.

First i went over with medium gray. I hope this will create differences in color later on, when camo is on.



Then i prepainted:



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  • 1 month later...

Very very nice my friend, to see this really help's me in my build, awesome build and and I see your using liq. masking which is also what I will apply when I decide on a color scheme. Beautiful work!!

Tonal :worship:

I just realized you use silly putty, sweet.

Edited by tonal
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  • 11 months later...

Thank you both for kind comments.

Yes Sebastijan, you are correct. I noticed it myself only day after i painted that the grey is indeed canopy framing, and not area under the cockpit. As matter of fact i was about to repaint that area before i decided to check this thread. :) Expect another update today!

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Yesterday i painted the underside and small stuff like pylons and landing gear parts. Also finished up the flags on the fins. Today i adjusted the brownish color around the cockpit. It is less green now and corresponds better with the pictures i have.

Quick shot of the underside with the preshading effect:


And rest of the frame:



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  • 2 weeks later...

I decided to first do some weathering to the scheme itself, as it is more weathered than bort number for example and other decals. What i did was to have some drops of grey in matt varnish, and sprayed that on in "dots". Green and grey are so faded on real aircrafts from that base that they sometimes look like one color, so i was aiming to have less contrast between them. The effect is rather hard to photograph, either it is too dark, or it is too light making it hard to see the lighter spots. Oh well.






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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for the comments! :thumbsup: Glad you all like it.

Some new pictures. Have been busy stenciling whole frame. Usually, i really like stencils on models, because i think they add a nice extra "dimension", kinda like weathering does. However, in this case i think it would have been much better if i didn't stencil it.

I *knew* that "my" plane is highly weathered, and i knew that there are almost no stencils on the frame as the result. I decided to add them anyway, but to weather them highly. Meanwhile, two new pictures surfaced of it, and it just confirmed the lack of stencils...




Will give a yen per stencil spotted on those pics. :P Notice that those are taken in 2008, and patch of brownish/greenish is gone, as well as the sheilds. So it was repainted some time between 2004 and 2008. Anyway, here are the shots:





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On this build i will use Aires cockpit, and aires exhaust. Just to show off some exhaust details:


I am also in process of adding rivets to stabs:


I added some red stripes to the IP after picture was taken. The small thingy is one of the pedals.


Rest of the cockpit pictures:


Awww, man!! Anything with "MIG" in front of it and you've got my attention. This is 72nd scale?? That makes it even more challenging but it looks really good so far. I'm looking forward to seeing how it looks when complete!

I did a 48th scale Mig-29UBT a long time ago just cause I like the humpbacks!


Markings are not set yet, but i will probably end up using something off the first Begemot MiG-29 set. Suggestions are welcome.

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What I meant to say is that anything with "Mig" in front of it and you've got my attention! This looks great so far and I look forward to seeing it completed. I did a 48 MIG-29UBT a few years back just cause I love "Humpbacks!" Great choice of subject

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Looks good, Berkut. When did the stiffening plates start showing up on Mig-29s? Were they only on Russian planes?

Hi Tom. Stiffening plates showed up after there was accident in 2009 where one of them were ripped clean off. Sadly, pilot died and MiG-29 was grounded for a long time after that. Not F-22 long, but still. ;) More info here:


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Operation Tone Down is completed. I simply used matt coat with a few drops with gray in it. Here is a picture where one side is toned down, and the other is not:


And completely toned down:





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