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Converting a B-25J into some RCAF Trainer

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Thanks guys! I'm really hoping to have this one finally wrapped up by the end of the month. We'll see I suppose. I'm not going to be complaining about waiting for the canopy & landing gear, Larry was more than kind enough to supply them for me, so when they get here, they do. But, she will be done soon.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had enough of looking at an almost completed build sitting and collecting dust, so I went at bought another B-25 kit... ya, just for a canopy and landing gear. But, I put an order in with Revell for a replacement - very helpful, so when they get here, I'll repackage the kit, and decide if I ever want to build another Revell B-25 or trade it/sell it at some point.

If we do go to San Antonio this weekend, then awesome, if not, I'll be at home finishing this build... saving what hair I have left.


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Well, good news because of bad news...

No trip to San Antonio this weekend... so, seeing as I cleared off my schedule for it completely, and haven't had enough time to have others re-fill it, I've got the weekend to finish this Mitchell... finally.

Not to make this long winded... but there really isn't much left:




-Metal Support/Mounting Blocks

-More weathering



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Happily went back and returned the B-25 I just bought, turns out the same day I bought the kit, the replacement parts that Larry sent out got here. Thanks Larry!!! You not only helped me to finish this build - finally - but saved me some cash too! Cheers!


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Happily went back and returned the B-25 I just bought, turns out the same day I bought the kit, the replacement parts that Larry sent out got here. Thanks Larry!!! You not only helped me to finish this build - finally - but saved me some cash too! Cheers!


Oh, good you have gainful employment for the weekend. :rolleyes:

Also Yea!, now there's a B 25 kit still on the market....... oops already have one...oh well

Great job to date :D Cheers

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Thanks! I think I can get this one done tonight/tomorrow morning, and I've been itching at getting onto that OOB build of the Mc 205 for fun. Once those are cleared... well... life get's much simpler in the model world.

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Thank you guys! Greatly appreciated.

I've been asked what I plan on doing for the shelf just above it... ...my stomach turned just a little bit... hahahaha... maybe a 3rd 1/48 Sea King.

Cheers all!


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