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hi, years ago, i had 1/72 F-14A kits from Hasegawa: the Wolf Pack. the kit's tail around the fuel dump is faired/streamlined. i happen to own 6 F-14 models, but only one has streamlined tail. is there ever any real F-14 with streamlined tail?

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hi, years ago, i had 1/72 F-14A kits from Hasegawa: the Wolf Pack. the kit's tail around the fuel dump is faired/streamlined. i happen to own 6 F-14 models, but only one has streamlined tail. is there ever any real F-14 with streamlined tail?

Yes. The Wolf Pack boxing, which is actually one of the rarer releases, features the early style beavertail of the initial F-14A production blocks. You can find a handy overview of beavertail styles over at MATS.



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What causes some confusion is that "faired over" part of the beaver tail consisted of diaelectic panels. Early on, those were removed, giving the early beaver tail more of the look of the later beaver tail. Block 65 and I believe 70 airframes had the early style beaver tail. That style actually hung aroud into the late 80's and early 90's. VF-301 and -302 had quite a few of them, and even VF-33 had an airframe that had the early beaver tail up to Desert Storm.

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On a slightly different angle....

When oh when are we going to get someone to do a model (pref 1/48) of the pre-production models?? :pray: Surely one that so many people would love to see.




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When oh when are we going to get someone to do a model (pref 1/48) of the pre-production models??
It could be a tempting scratch project in 1/72 :monkeydance:

The Matchbox 1/72nd F-14A kit mostly represents the prototype (it has a sorta-production style gun muzle, but all other characteristics of the prototype like the glove plates, large stiffeners and prototype beavertail are there).



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Nice and tempting, thanks a lot ;)

Now I have to finish an Iranian F-14A, the open F-14A, an open F-14B or F-14D, an F-14A ready to launch, and THEN I can tackle this baby :monkeydance:

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hi, thanks for the responses. The first cruise Wolfpack (NK-101/NK-111) is my first F-14 model, and I foolishly cut the dielectric panels to resemble newer ones. as soon as i realize that, i bought another kits, but Wolfpack is already gone from the market (and so does the old tail)

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Good news - Bad news

I believe Hase are re-issuing the Wolfpack Cat in 1/48. I also saw on Hannants it being retailed at £69.99!!! :worship:

BOO HISS!!!! :shoot:


yes, Hannants is expensive... i used to work in 1/72

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