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I would suggest cutting the nose flat and building up a small "dot" of Elmers white school glue till you get the dome shape right. The glue will dry clear. You can also use a dot of Future floor polish as well, but that would be hard to get the drop to stay on top by surface tension alone...you'd need to keep it very, very still while it dried. I'm sure others have some ideas too.


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You mean the clear lens?

I'm not the most experienced at this, but here's what I would try:

1. Cut/file the nose down and paint the end silver. Then you might be able to dab a bit of clear-drying glue (like Testors Clear Parts Cement/Window Glue) into the hemispherical shape of the lens.

2. Or try to get some clear sprue into that shape. This can be difficult in 1/72.

Apologies if this isn't what you're talking about.

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Try using a small drop of clear 5-minute epoxy. Cut the front of the missile flat. Then drill out the nose or at least carve it out a little. Paint the interior/front of the missile black or dark gray. Use a toothpick to put in a small drop of the epoxy. Hold the missile with the nose down until the epoxy cures and gets solid. I've done this with Maverick missiles and GBU-10 and GBU-15 TV guided bombs. Works great.


Edited by ed_s
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