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EA-3B Sky Warrior Walk-Around

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Very nice photos!

I checked the 'Parking Lot' but did not see a specific page for Sky Warriors, or Destroyers. Any interest in starting one for each, or perhaps a combined A-3/B-66 page with all variants? By the way, here is a really neat B-66 web site...


Here's some pics of the 'hidden' B-66 at Dyess AFB. (I've posted these before here.) I know I have a shot or two of an A-3 I took at Fairchild AFB back around 1981, but would have to dig for them. I will find them though!





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Glad everyone enjoyed the pics. I don't know what happened to the missing bathtub. It was on there when it was on display in Rota. Hopefully, it was removed during shipping and just haven't got around to reinstalling it. The lack of engines is a shame since they are so "in your face" on this type of airframe.

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I served in VAQ-33 back in the 80's and aboard CV-67 before that. We had some of the last Whales in service, as I recall. It was a great whalloping thing, a real beast to see come aboard. For the longest time, I had a decommissioned A-3 about a block from my house, sitting behind a hangar.

Nice pics.

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A few more shots of the hidden Dyess Destroyer...

The latest intel I've heard on this plane is they do not have the money to move it back to the proper display area due to the fact that it is sitting in a nature preserve. To move it would disturb a protected wild turkey habitat, and that would p i s s off the government naturalists or some crap. I just think about George Carlin's routine on the planet.

"The planet is fine. The people are f**ked!"


Please put that Destroyer back on display Dyess.





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Here's my photos of EA-3B 146457 which is now on the USS Yorktown. This acft was rescued from Rota Spain and for that story go here:

Many thanks for posting your photos! I recently bought a Hasegawa KA-3 with the intention to convert it into a Rota VQ-2 EA-3B. I'm still gathering data on what needs to be converted, but your photos will be a great reference!


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you need to get Cutting Edge conversion super set (or just scratchbuild the canoe). Eduard PE for a cocpit is also great. It also needs new canopy with different framing. Quickboost is also doing opened speed brakes.

I am on the same boat, Gulf war EA-3B from VQ-2 :)

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you need to get Cutting Edge conversion super set (or just scratchbuild the canoe). Eduard PE for a cocpit is also great. It also needs new canopy with different framing. Quickboost is also doing opened speed brakes.

I am on the same boat, Gulf war EA-3B from VQ-2 :rofl:

The canopy is definitely my biggest headache! All the emthods that I could think of are very difficult and laborious. I've done something similar before:


I looked at the Cutting Edge EA-3B set, but I think only the canoe(s) are required for a late EA-3B. Do you agree? I've got a Rareplanes KA/EA-3 vac that I can use as a donor for the canoe.


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  • 7 months later...

What is the ship in the background? It looks like a container on the water or something from a bond film.

The ship you are seeing is a car carrier ship RORO (Roll On Roll Off). The one shown in the picture seems to be the 'Brasilia Highway'.

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