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Hasegawa Super Hornet

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Why is this kit so expensive?


Any reason? If anyone of you who built this kit can share some info.

That's not so expensive for the 1/48 Hase kits. I've seen that one in shops for almost $70.

It is considered one of the best Hornet kits, and one of the most complicated.

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Typical hasegawa build, take your time and prefit parts, nothing real tricky.

As far as accuracy the spine is a bit too long,as Revells verson is too short.

I think it is the best "F" on the market.

Here's a build thread with pic's I was just looking at.


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Full retail on the F-117 is 105.00, which is what my LHS has them in stock for. The same two have been sitting on the shelf since they were released.


Have not seen them at the LHS but have seen them on ebay cheaper between 55-60 bucks with shipping. With the price of the regular F-117 and the price of the 1/48 Humvee that is not to bad.

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Have not seen them at the LHS but have seen them on ebay cheaper between 55-60 bucks with shipping. With the price of the regular F-117 and the price of the 1/48 Humvee that is not to bad.

I second that.

I have just finished Super Hornet Hasegawa (1/72 though).

Not inexpensive, but a very very nice a/c to build.

The quality from Hase that you would expect,; hence the price.

Except for a few mistakes on my part, it "clicks" as it should.

On the 1/72:

I need to get the ruler out as I have a feeling that it is shorter than it should be compared to my little Hornet (not the Super Hornet).


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I second that.

I have just finished Super Hornet Hasegawa (1/72 though).

Not inexpensive, but a very very nice a/c to build.

The quality from Hase that you would expect,; hence the price.

Except for a few mistakes on my part, it "clicks" as it should.

On the 1/72:

I need to get the ruler out as I have a feeling that it is shorter than it should be compared to my little Hornet (not the Super Hornet).


Is it any better than any of Tamiya's F-16 in 1/48? Tamiya F-16 is a superb kit and they always throw in so many loadout options too. Yet the price is below $50 including shipping if you shop around online.

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If you want expensive, 2 days ago at Hobby Lobby was the 1/48 Tamiya F-117 with humvee going for, hold on tight, 99.00. The exchange rate and cost of oil used in all plastics has gone up, and we pay the price, literaly.

Doesn't Hobby Lobby have those coupons?

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I agree with those who think the price of that Super Hornet isn't too bad. When I saw the price, but first instinct was to guess it was the 72nd scale kit. Not that the 72nd scale kit should cost that much, but when someone is complaining about the price of a Hasegawa Super Hornet at $55, well...

As far as accuracy, one other thing to know is that it has the original vents on the top between the vertical tails. I guess they're accurate for an early bird, but most (all?) have been updated and this wold have to updated for current birds.

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I always try to wait for special-offers when I want to get anything from Hasegawa.

I got the Chippy Hornet-C last week for €40 instead of the usual €58. And I already had a Diamondback F in my stash I got last year for €40 instead of €67

Now €40 is still a bunch, but if you get 4 or 5, you saved yourself the 6th.

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Is it any better than any of Tamiya's F-16 in 1/48? Tamiya F-16 is a superb kit and they always throw in so many loadout options too. Yet the price is below $50 including shipping if you shop around online.

Depends on your point of view. The surface detail on both kits are close in quality, Tamiya being somewhat better. The fit of the Tamiya kit is superb. Hasegawa does not traditionally give you many weapon options in their kits... never have.

As for price, the Hornet is a larger aircraft so will contain more plastic, more (I think) parts and thus higher tooling costs, this coupled with recent increases in Hasegawa pricing structure, means the kit is typically priced higher.

Locally in North America, this kit goes for $70-$80, so a price of $55 from Japan is really quite good. Mind you, you still have to pay for shipping.

Even the old legacy Hornets from Hasegawa (F/A-18 A/B/C/D) still go for $70+ at most North American LHS.

And if you can get the Tamiya F-16 kit for under $50 with shipping, that is a very good price, not one you will normally see.

If you think that the Hasegawa Hornet is expensive, price up some Trumpeter aircraft kits in 1/48!

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Depends on your point of view. The surface detail on both kits are close in quality, Tamiya being somewhat better. The fit of the Tamiya kit is superb. Hasegawa does not traditionally give you many weapon options in their kits... never have.

As for price, the Hornet is a larger aircraft so will contain more plastic, more (I think) parts and thus higher tooling costs, this coupled with recent increases in Hasegawa pricing structure, means the kit is typically priced higher.

Locally in North America, this kit goes for $70-$80, so a price of $55 from Japan is really quite good. Mind you, you still have to pay for shipping.

Even the old legacy Hornets from Hasegawa (F/A-18 A/B/C/D) still go for $70+ at most North American LHS.

And if you can get the Tamiya F-16 kit for under $50 with shipping, that is a very good price, not one you will normally see.

If you think that the Hasegawa Hornet is expensive, price up some Trumpeter aircraft kits in 1/48!

The hasegawa 1/72 Super Hornet (E) (VFA-31 Tomcatters was bought at +/- $42 here in South Africa. Not a bad price.

Loads of very fine small details to put together, a very nice kit.

True, the weapons load is a bit pedestrian, but it can always be supplemented from the "left over box".

I have not looked at the other options as this was the only E/F Hornet i could find.

However, I would carefully look at the dimensions (as I got curious today). It seems it is a bit out of focus but i need to find the ruler and prove it.

I have a funny "feeling" that there could be too many "normal Hornet things in the Super Hornet kit.

After all, the E/F is a new design, not just different intakes.


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The hasegawa 1/72 Super Hornet (E) (VFA-31 Tomcatters was bought at +/- $42 here in South Africa. Not a bad price.

Loads of very fine small details to put together, a very nice kit.

True, the weapons load is a bit pedestrian, but it can always be supplemented from the "left over box".

I have not looked at the other options as this was the only E/F Hornet i could find.

However, I would carefully look at the dimensions (as I got curious today). It seems it is a bit out of focus but i need to find the ruler and prove it.

I have a funny "feeling" that there could be too many "normal Hornet things in the Super Hornet kit.

After all, the E/F is a new design, not just different intakes.


I can't really comment on the 1/72 scale kits, but my response was to the OP's query about the 1/48 Hasegawa Super Hornet.

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... and if yuo don't like the grey colours (dark, neutral, ghost, light, etc --> all grey), you may try your hands on this one:

From "airfighters"


PS: Is this an un-usual pattern in the USN? or standard?


Yes quite odd, I didn't know they were painting their A/C to look like "Banners" :)

You might want to try a different link to that picture.


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I always try to wait for special-offers when I want to get anything from Hasegawa.

I got the Chippy Hornet-C last week for €40 instead of the usual €58. And I already had a Diamondback F in my stash I got last year for €40 instead of €67

Now €40 is still a bunch, but if you get 4 or 5, you saved yourself the 6th.

I'm not sure for the rest of EU but in germany 40 Eus is good price for the E or F. For the C it'd be a SWEET bargain and a must buy, I reckon.

BTW do you have a link of that bounty hunter cat photo in high res? sweet picture!

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I'm not sure for the rest of EU but in germany 40 Eus is good price for the E or F. For the C it'd be a SWEET bargain and a must buy, I reckon.

BTW do you have a link of that bounty hunter cat photo in high res? sweet picture!

Not really very high-res.


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When did the USN start on this paint scheme?

This is pretty much a standard aggressor scheme. You can see F/A-18A's and C's with similar schemes, but it's fairly new to the E.

The same with tihs one:

This is one of the special schemes for the Navy Aviation 50th anniversary.

And you shouldn't hotlink to sites (like Airliners.net) that have copyrights to their photos. Read this thread:


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This is pretty much a standard aggressor scheme. You can see F/A-18A's and C's with similar schemes, but it's fairly new to the E.

This is one of the special schemes for the Navy Aviation 50th anniversary.

And you shouldn't hotlink to sites (like Airliners.net) that have copyrights to their photos. Read this thread:


Thanks for the info.

OPPs, i should have read it first.


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