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Gloss or flat white for 60s, 70s, & 80s Sidewinders?

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I'm in the process of building an Air Force F-4E, which I will equip with several AIM-9Js. The Hasegawa instructions say to paint the missile overall gloss white, but I've seen elsewhere that the white should be flat. Any idea what is the correct sheen? Gloss? Flat? Satin? :cheers:

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All of the ones I've seen were gloss white. Perhaps others you've seen had faded, especially if they were CATMs? Live missiles, of course, aren't subject to the same weathering as their training counterparts.


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Something most people don't keep in mind is that glossiness is subject to scale effect just like color. Something that's deeply glossy up close doesn't appear as glossy from a distance due to the diffusing effect of the atmosphere. That's why a highly glossy model usually looks like a toy. Tone down the glossiness a little and you'll be much happier with the results.


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Something most people don't keep in mind is that glossiness is subject to scale effect just like color. Something that's deeply glossy up close doesn't appear as glossy from a distance due to the diffusing effect of the atmosphere. That's why a highly glossy model usually looks like a toy. Tone down the glossiness a little and you'll be much happier with the results.



Yup. I usually give my "gloss" subjects a semi-gloss to satin finish and it looks way better in model scales.

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