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Ménage.. Whoops, Mirage à Trois

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The LADIES are looking quite glamorous now that they have ALL their fineries on..


Ms Tashbetz looks quite good naked too... she VERY impressive...Cant wait for to go the Ballroom too..

GOOD WORK Bosse! :worship::worship:

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I'm sorry to report that I will not be able to meet the deadline on my remaning Shahaks.

I've to much to do at work at present to be able to find the time to complete my aircrafts-

So instead of doing a rush job, I'm putting them on hold for a while.

When I do find the time to complete them I'll put up a new thread in the regular WIP-section.

Take care and have a great summer all.


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You have done a magnificent job on Ms Tarmil & Ms Tsnuit, but you should be ashamed of yourself for taking pictures of ladies while they are partially dressed. :rofl::rofl:

Grandma L

Edited by texgal45
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