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tamiya's f-4c/d raised panel lines?

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Hey folks,

I'm seriously thinking about picking one of these monsters up. After reading several reviews though, I can't find out if it has raised panel lines or not. It does for the BDR patches, but other than that I can't find anything.

Also, in looking I saw that the Tamiya F-4j was updated in 2010. Was this kit? If so, what boxing should I look for to get the updated version?


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I have the original release 1/32 Tamiya F-4C/D.

It has engraved panel lines throughout. I don't recall any raised lines on this kit.

The BDR patches are raised "plates", but most need to be sanded off anyway as these are largely incorrect for an active line jet (see this thread).

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Good deal, thanks guys.

I've heard the BDR patches need to be sanded off. If they aren't for a line aircraft what was their purpose on the subject that Tamiya used for a reference? Just patches for holes on the bird to prep it to be a gate guard?


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Rumor is that Tamiya measured/photographed a BDR (Battle Damage&Repair) training jet as their reference source, most bases keep at least one old plane on hand for this purpose.

This goes to show that even if you're doing research on a full-scale subject you need to know what you're looking at.


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Can we PLEASE put the "BDR patch" chestnut to rest!?!?!? They are not BDR patches, they are access panels found on the real airframe. Now, why Tamiya did them as raised panels is anyone's guess, but they did. On the real thing they are flush with the surface, just like all the other access panels.

The Tamiya F-4C came out in the mid-1990s, and has totally engraved detail. The only big Tamiya kit with any raised detail is the circa 1981 F-14.


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Can we PLEASE put the "BDR patch" chestnut to rest!?!?!? They are not BDR patches, they are access panels found on the real airframe. Now, why Tamiya did them as raised panels is anyone's guess, but they did. On the real thing they are flush with the surface, just like all the other access panels.

The Tamiya F-4C came out in the mid-1990s, and has totally engraved detail. The only big Tamiya kit with any raised detail is the circa 1981 F-14.


So I'll run engraved lines around them and sand them flush then.

Calm down or I'll but a plastic dinosaur in the cockpit! LOL I've done it with an F-14 (T-rex pilot and some smaller dino as the backseater). I think I'm one of Alvis's relatives. :thumbsup:


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Sorry... these "internet truth" stories make me crazy. :thumbsup:

I am actually glad you posted this. I asked a while back and was all set to sand and rescribe those things...whenever I actually get to building it, that is

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Sorry... these "internet truth" stories make me crazy. :)

I get the same way with Civil War arguments. No worries. I'll still put a dinosaur in there if you don't watch it! LOL

The T-rex is accurate, saw it in a Calvin and Hobbs strip once. Now, the scale was off. I had to cut off most of his body or he would have looked crazy tiny in there (with his body completely fitting in the ejection seat).


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