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the 'Merican travelling goodies box

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What do I have to do (or who do I have to do) to get in on this? :D


Robert, we're on a bit of a summer hiatus at this time. If you want to be added in on the next round just PM me your address and keep an eye on this thread for updates on when we will resume our standard rotation.
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Hey guys, and Jason, I got the Bearcat with the eduard pe out of this on I think the last go round. Anyway we were going to build the Bearcat for the new traveling "build" that's about to get started. I pulled it out and was inspecting it and noticed there's no clear parts. Both the windscreen and canopy are not present. I can't remember who put it in there but if Jason can check the box and see if they may have been stored in a baggy somewhere else, or check the list to see who put it in and they can check their spares or whatever that'd be great.


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Hey guys, and Jason, I got the Bearcat with the eduard pe out of this on I think the last go round. Anyway we were going to build the Bearcat for the new traveling "build" that's about to get started. I pulled it out and was inspecting it and noticed there's no clear parts. Both the windscreen and canopy are not present. I can't remember who put it in there but if Jason can check the box and see if they may have been stored in a baggy somewhere else, or check the list to see who put it in and they can check their spares or whatever that'd be great.


BAH, I'll check the box when I get home from the office tonight. I didn't really go through it to be honest as we decided pretty soon after I got it to put everything on hiatus for a bit. If it was in the box it should be in there still. If not, may need to research a vacform canopy replacement.
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Hey guys?

I put the Bearcat in, and I'm 99.9% sure the clear parts were there, but I'll have a look around. Squadron does have a vac-form for it, so if I can't find it, I'll go ahead and add it to the cart that I already have in progress.

No worries man. It might be in the goodies box or I might have lost it. We'll take care of it.

Look for the 8 man build soon!

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I can't find a Bearcat canopy in the box. I went through the zip-loc bag of loose stuff and didn't see it in there either. Sorry. Lots of loose stuff seems to make it's way out of boxes. I had to put a few parts of the Revellogram 1/48 P-38 back in it's bag and found a wheel to something that I am not totally sure of.

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I'd kind of forgot about this in all the holiday hub-bub.

Everybody who wants in on this round please post confirmation here and I'll start compiling the address list and getting the box ready. It hasn't really been gone through much by me since it last arrived so I should probably do an inventory and print out a new inventory sheet.

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