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Soooo, what aircraft/helos used?

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As the title said, no politics please hehehe.

What units? Load outs?

And the helo that crashed/suffered mechanical failure, what really happened?

Just for reference for a future modelling project.

Thanks guys!

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Before seeing the picture of that wrecked tail boom, I would have guessed Marine 53 Echoes. Their load carrying ability alone would make that seem feasible. Similar to when they were used to pull Capt Scott O'Grady out of Bosnia after his F-16 got shot down.


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Read somewhere tonight that a 3rd chopper was called in to replace the one lost. Hope those birds get ear-marked for future preservation and survive the rest of their military careers, as I for one would like to lay eyes on one of those birds in a museum somewhere, someday! :salute:

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Check out the Helo Forum thread. One poster put up this:


Scroll down a bit and see if you can tell me what helo that piece of wreckage came from?

It appears to be some new design never seen before. Either that or a heavily modified Blackhawk, painted silver to boot.

Very, very interesting.

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As noted on the helo thread, this raid may finally answer what the "Beast of Khandahar" stealthy, UAV was doing over in Afghanistan for the last few years. It stands to reason that we have been keeping an eye on this compound for quite a while and I don't think we could have gotten away with using non-stealthy, low altitude Predators.

Very interesting stuff.

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CNN reported they were MH-53E helos and seeing as they flew directly back to the USS Carl Vinson from Abbatabad deep in Pakistan, I would speculate they were probably carrying long range drop tanks. I HIGHLY doubt if we'll ever find out specific squadron info for OPSEC reasons and to prevent repriasals by Al Quada. They're keeping their cards pretty close to their chest on this one. But I'd also speculate it was a NAVY MH -53E rather than an Air Force bird. Just my 2 cents and opinion, nothing confirmed.

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Well, I'm not disputing anything that anyone says about this but the MH-53 is the bird of choice for SEAL ops, Chinooks are awefully loud, not that 53 are much quieter, but that double rotor creates alot of turbulence and therefore alot of noise. The tail rotor in the photo suggests a 53 as well, the 5 blade tail rotor is the same as a 53.

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Anyone see this yet: http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/blogs/defense/index.jsp?plckController=Blog&plckBlogPage=BlogViewPost&newspaperUserId=27ec4a53-dcc8-42d0-bd3a-01329aef79a7&plckPostId=Blog%3a27ec4a53-dcc8-42d0-bd3a-01329aef79a7Post%3a275902dd-e7a2-40fd-ab78-d46e3bf922b1&plckScript=blogScript&plckElementId=blogDest

I was wondering why during the reports it was repeated that the downed helicopter was destroyed so quickly. I would think why waste the energy and time to destroy a run of the mill transport, just blow it up with a drone later.

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Well, I'm not disputing anything that anyone says about this but the MH-53 is the bird of choice for SEAL ops, Chinooks are awefully loud, not that 53 are much quieter, but that double rotor creates alot of turbulence and therefore alot of noise. The tail rotor in the photo suggests a 53 as well, the 5 blade tail rotor is the same as a 53.

Nooks are fast and maneuverable. MH-53 is not these guys birds of choice specially since the Night Stalkers do not fly them.

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Sorry I was mistaken about the tail rotor, 53s have a 4 blade tail rotor. Given the size of the 53s main rotor and the height of the walls it's probably a safe bet that it was something smaller. A MH-53 is 99ft long, that's awfully large for an op like this.

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