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Finished Academy 1/48 F-22

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Hi everybody. I just finished this Academy 1/48 F-22A Raptor. I've actually started this kit back in November or October but I got bored with it and put it in the closet. Well, I decided to go ahead and get 'er done.

This build is OOB except for the metal foil seat belts that I scratched for it. The kit is very simple and the fit was mostly excellent. The intakes are a PITA but oh well.

Hope you enjoy:








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That looks very very sweet....I'm still warming up to the look of the Raptor...it's capabilities are another matter, the things it can do are just awe inspiring!!!.


I'll be the first to admit that I find the F-22 kinda boring looking. It just seems like the 70's and 80's generation of aircraft were so much more interesting. I'd say that the F-15 is way more eye catching than the F-22, but that's just my opinion. The planes coming out today look way too computer generated and geometric.

Although, the last air show I went to had an F-22 demo and I enjoyed watching that more than I enjoyed the Thunderbirds.

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Thanks again for the nice comments.

I can't take full credit for the paint colors. I saw another F-22 build (maybe here on ARC...I can't remember for sure) where the builder used a paint brand called Citadel paint. Its a paint marketed to the gamers that use the little metal figures. I bought some and mixed it the way he recommended but his mixing for the dark part of the camo was way too dark. So I tweaked it a little and made my own mix.

The light part was 70% "Chainmail" and 30% "Codex Grey." The dark part was 70% "Boltgun" and 30% "Codex Grey." Basically, its just a lighter colored steel and a darker colored steel mixed with Dark Ghost Grey. I wondered if Tamiya Gun Metal mixed with Tamiya Sky Grey would work as well. The trim around the plane is Aqueous Hobby Color Light Ghost Grey (H308).

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I can't take full credit for the paint colors. I saw another F-22 build (maybe here on ARC...I can't remember for sure) where the builder used a paint brand called Citadel paint. Its a paint marketed to the gamers that use the little metal figures. I bought some and mixed it the way he recommended but his mixing for the dark part of the camo was way too dark. So I tweaked it a little and made my own mix.

The light part was 70% "Chainmail" and 30% "Codex Grey." The dark part was 70% "Boltgun" and 30% "Codex Grey." Basically, its just a lighter colored steel and a darker colored steel mixed with Dark Ghost Grey. I wondered if Tamiya Gun Metal mixed with Tamiya Sky Grey would work as well. The trim around the plane is Aqueous Hobby Color Light Ghost Grey (H308).

I know which one you were talking about. It was a build by OriginalMonty: http://s362974870.onlinehome.us/forums/air/index.php?showtopic=214334&st=0&p=2035777entry2035777, which I then "validated"/tested in my thread in Tools 'n Tips HERE

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