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I have recently completed a Fujimi A-4E/F kit (which I had in the stash for years) and converted to an RNZAF A-4K. I want to build a line of these birds but can't find them anywhere. Local shops never have them in stock, and I cant seem to track down any on the net. Are they ltd run kits?

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Thanks Spruemeister!

I am not sure what he is wanting. I know there is an 72nd scale OA-4M. But he did not mention the scale. The one I posted is 1/50, made up with decals from Hase 48 scale.

The OA-4M I have is indeed perfect skyhawk and I think the best this scale.

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I have recently completed a Fujimi A-4E/F kit (which I had in the stash for years) and converted to an RNZAF A-4K. I want to build a line of these birds but can't find them anywhere. Local shops never have them in stock, and I cant seem to track down any on the net. Are they ltd run kits?

Probably the biggest reason that they are so hard to find in the States is that I don't think anyone is importing them anymore. When Fujimi's importer changed to MRC back in the early 90s (?), the prices for Fujimi went through the roof; subsequently sales dropped and when that happened they dropped the line. As far as I am aware, no one else picked the line up so the only 1/72 Fujimi kits are ones that are old stock or those that individuals may bring back from trips or get via one of the Asian sellers.

That said, have you tried Squadron? I seem to recall them having some not too long ago, although the selection is limited. Then, there's always ebay; I see them on there quite often.

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Thanks for you responses guys - appreciate it. Yeah, I am talking about the 1/72 kit. Its an absolutely beautiful kit - and because I am from New Zealand the A-4 is a very popular subjuct :)

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The A-4 of Fujimi is also issued by academy.

Academy has recessed panel lines. 1/50 Fujimi had raised panel lines AFAIK. Academy started business by "recessing the panel lines" of Frog, Airfix, Hasegawa kits.

Probably the biggest reason that they are so hard to find in the States is that I don't think anyone is importing them anymore. When Fujimi's importer changed to MRC back in the early 90s (?), the prices for Fujimi went through the roof; subsequently sales dropped and when that happened they dropped the line. As far as I am aware, no one else picked the line up so the only 1/72 Fujimi kits are ones that are old stock or those that individuals may bring back from trips or get via one of the Asian sellers.

Same situation in Europe.

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Did a quick search on HOBBY SEARCH JAPAN (www.1999.co.jp/eng), and found they still have a couple of Fujimi A-4s. I've ordered from them and found they're pretty good. Price ain't that bad either.

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My all-time favourite shop is The Aviation Hobby Shop in West Drayton, Middlesex. They started carrying Fujimi in depth a couple of years back when a new importer got a handle on them. Haven't been there in a while, but they had quite a few A-4s so may be worth a go -they are good at mail-order worldwide.

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My all-time favourite shop is The Aviation Hobby Shop in West Drayton, Middlesex. They started carrying Fujimi in depth a couple of years back when a new importer got a handle on them. Haven't been there in a while, but they had quite a few A-4s so may be worth a go -they are good at mail-order worldwide.

I'll second that - they have a good stock of Fujimi. Their web site lists their stock.

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Rainbow Ten has the 1/72 Fujimi A-4B, A-4E, OA-4M, and TA-4J/F all in stock.

Thier inventory list is updated daily, so that listing is accurate as of today.

I placed an order with the guys last night. I have never used this shop before so hopefully its all good!

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I placed an order with the guys last night. I have never used this shop before so hopefully its all good!

I, and several of my fellow modellers, use them all the time. They are a great outfit to deal with.

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