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Hey gang,

OK, I thought I'd go ahead and start my thread. So far there's really nothing to show, except for proof that I actually have the kit.

So, here it is!


I've never built one of these before, but I've heard nothing but great things about this kit. This boxing has all the parts to do a WWII Mustang, which is what I'll be doing. It'll be done in a NMF, which is making me a little nervous because I've never done one before. I don't know what markings I'll use yet, but I'll have time to decide that later.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to this build. Wish me luck!



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I love the look of this Mustang. That mouth is the cat's arse

Hi Dirk,

Yeah, I agree the markings are pretty neat, but I won't be using 'em. My goal's to build a WWII Mustang. The markings shown on the box are for a Korean Warn Mustang. The parts for the WWII version are in the box, so I'm able to build a P-51 from this F-51 boxing. What I've learned is that the props and spinner, and canopy are different. Also, I won't be using the rockets or their launchers on my build. Luckily, the simple replacement and omission of some parts make this conversion simple. No hacking and bashing for me to screw up. Luckily, the NMF leaves me plenty to screw up...


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OK gang,

I had a free night so I got started on my Mustang. I know that I'm not going to have a lot of spare time in the future, so I figured I'd make progress as I can. For the record, I build for fun and not for contest judges. I know my builds aren't 100% accurate. I don't really sweat the small stuff too much. For me it's more the journey than the destination. Close enough is good enough for me.

Anyway, to that end, I began with the IP and the seat.

Here's my IP painted in MM enamels with Future replicating the glass on the dials.


I had a True Details seat that I decided to use in this build. This is my first stab at a resin seat.


It still needs a flat coat, but I'm still considering applying a brown wash to bring out the belt detail.

Anyway, that's my start. Feel free to drop you two cents in the bucket.

Thanks for lookin'!


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Like the dry brushing of the instrument panel!

Hope my Testors yellow chromate mix works for

you . After it dried , long after I took picture

it looks almost same as Testors in small square

bottle. Can't wait to see the Tamiya Mustang build,

wish I had gone that route instead of Revell.

Oh well, it's only a movie!!!---John

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"Hope my Testors yellow chromate mix works for you ..."

Long story short...John came to my rescue with a recipe for YC. I couldn't find YC in the stores and John was kind enough to provide me with the ingredients for mixing up my own.

John, with your permission, I'd like to post your reply to me here:

"10 parts Testors gloss yellow 1114

1 part Testors flat brown 1166

1 part Model Master green 1713(FS 34102)

all paints are enamel, close but no cigar."

Close but no cigar is an understatement! His homemade brew is dead on!

For proof, here are the beginnings of my wheel wells:


(Wash in progress.)

Here's my pit minus the gunsight and stick. (I'm gonna leave those off until later.)



Anyway, I'm gonna try to keep plugging along. Let me know what you guys think.



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Thanks for the compliments everyone. So far I'm happy with my progress. At least I know I can be satisfied with the inside of my plane. I just hope I don't screw up the outside...

which collor you used fos seat?

josipww2, I mixed up my own colors for the seat frame and cushion. For the seat, I started with MM (Testors' Model Master) Medium Green (FS34102) and added a little bit of MM Dark Green (FS34079). Then I drybrushed with the seat with "aluminum." For the cushion, I started with a base of MM Olive Drab (FS34087) and added a little "light grey" until I got the shade I wanted. Then I used a "tan" for some drybrushing. Sorry, I can't give you details about the exact ratios because I pretty much just mixed up some colors at random until I got the look I wanted. I know it's not a great answer, but I hope it helps some.

Again, I appreciate the compliments everyone. Keep the comments (good and bad) comin'!



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  • 5 weeks later...

post pics soon as it looks like you have been a bit busy...

Hey there Holmes,

You're right, I have been busy! I'm surprised to see that it's been a month since I last posted. I don't have much progress to show, but I can show a small speed bump that I ran in to.

The fit of my wings wasn't great. After everything I've heard about the fit of this kit, I can only assume I screwed something up somewhere. Anyway, while trying to get the wings to fit, I lost a little bit of the wingroot's rivet detail to sanding. While attempting to replace some of it, I accidentally pushed through the plastic with my rivet tool. (D'OH!)


Not only did I do it once...I did it on both sides!

So, I took some plastic rod, tapered it, and pushed it in. Here's where I'm at now.


I still need to sand it flush and clean up the joints. Once I get that done, I'll glue on the stabilizers and spray some paint.

Thanks for staying interested!



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OK Mustang fans,

How can someone screw up one of the most idiot proof shake-n-bake kits on the market? Oh yeah, let me build it.


Anyway, I got the horizontal stabilizers attached...


and I think I got those holes in the wingroot fixed...



...but I can't tell.

In an attempt to check my joints and seams, and to prepare for the NMF, I tried spraying Alclad's white microfill primer. I sprayed it on a few pieces of scrap and the stuff laid down fine. Then I tried to spray it on my Mustang's underside and...disaster!

The finish went on pebbly and grainy.


Now I'm in the process of sanding and polishing the first coat so I can try again. Right now I'm rubbing the finish with an old t-shirt to knock down most of the grain. Once that's done, I'll sand and polish with some pads and Micromesh. I should be able to get it smooth enough for a second try, but before I do, I'm gonna practice a little more.

Two steps forward, one step back...



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The trick with the wings is to glue them to the fuselage before attaching them to the lower wing.

I'd test fit the upper wing to lower, mock them up to the fuselage to test fit them, if everything is ok, remove the lower wing then glue the upper wing to the fuselage, this way you have total control of the wing root joint, it's one of the most important areas of any build and you should give it priority.


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OK all,

Made some progress on my Mustang.

I ended up spraying a coat of Alclad's white microfiller, then followed that up with some wet sanding using some fine grades sandpaper. After I thought I got the surface nice and smooth, I sprayed some Alclad White Aluminum.

Here's how it looked.



As I was spraying, I noticed that there were still some rough spots on the primer coat. So I left that initial coat to dry, then decided to do some more wet sanding to smooth out those spots. As of now, it looks like this.


So, I've settled on some markings. I've decided to build this Mustang as a gift for my brother, so I'm going to go with some WIF markings based on the orange and yellow checkers of the 357th FG. Besides the nose checkers, I'm gonna use full invasion stripes with fake squadron codes and serial. Hopefully it'll look pretty cool.

Anyway, thanks for looking. I'll post as time and progress permit.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Mustang fans,

Last time I left you, I was working on getting my Alclad finish to a point that I was satisfied with. Well, after a few wet sanding and repainting sessions, I finally got to a point where I was ready to move on.

After I was done spraying Alclad’s White Aluminum, I went ahead and painted the anti-glare panel. I preshaded the panel lines with MM enamel Dark Green. After that, I went ahead and laid on some MM enamel Faded Olive Drab. It’d difficult to see in the pix, but the combo gave me some subtle variations in tone.

As I mentioned previously, I’m building this Mustang as a gift for my brother. The WIF markings will be based on the 357th’s scheme. I started decaling by laying on the nose checkers. They’re Tamiya supplied and a little translucent, but settled down nicely with some SolvaSet.


I also started with the WIF markings by adding some nose art. My family’s from Chihuahua, Chihuahua Mexico, so I couldn’t pass up on using these markings from an old Microscale P-47 sheet. I think they’re too cool!


I’m planning on building the Mustang with a full compliment of invasion stripes, but I’ve run into a bit of a problem. Since the thought of painting on the invasion stripes scares me a little, I figured I’d use Aeromaster’s invasion stripes decals. However, the decals may prove to be more trouble than painting.

They splintered…



This third one’s torn because I tore it trying to spread it out to show the slivering…


Now I have to decide whether I want to get a replacement sheet and try again, or man-up and paint ‘em on.

Anyway, that’s where I’m at. Feel free to drop your two cents into the bucket on the way out. I’m always willing to read your feedback.



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Man up and paint the stripes............to me it's far easier than messing with decals. I gave up decaling my checkered nosed P-47 after two failed decaling attempts and masked and painted them. Did a checkertailed P-40 and masked and painted those too.

Just mask and paint them is my vote!

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