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Bell 407 conversion question?

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Hi Guys,

So, I am sitting here at work going through "plastic withdrawl". My schedule has prevented me from visiting my workbench for over a month. As I am daydreaming, I have been thinking about a "long planned" Bell 407 conversion. The Delaware State Police flies several of them, which I would like to someday replicate. They have many different versions of paint schemes, door configurations, etc. I believe a couple of years ago the subject came up, and different option were discussed.

http://www.airliners.net/photo/Delaware-State-Police/Bell-407/0446458/&sid=c98c0b23482ac2d0a027368752bd18c2 Photo credit to Tom Turner - airliners.net.

My question is this: I am thinking that the best base kit for this would be the Academy OH-58D kit. I prefer a bigger scale, especially as this project will require many modifications. Right off the bat, I can see that the fuselage will need to be lengthened, new main rotor/engine/transmission cowling created, doors/windows created/modified, new high skids fashioned and new horizontal stabilizers made. As it appears to my untrained eye, the basic body shape is similar, it has the four bladed rotor system, and that is about it. But, it appears to be a better "starting point" than the venerable Bell 206 kit that has been around for years... Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.


Edited by hooknladderno1
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Hi David, the 407 is a beautiful machine, and the livery you want to make is no exeption, hmmm all you have said to be modified is correct, and i would also kitbash the Ac OH-58D with the Revell 206B. The M/R system of the 58D is very similar to the 407, but i dont know if its the same, but it looks very identical, They have some other parts that differ, but i think you are in the right path, but hey, its a heck of a work, and would be great if you do it.

Heres a scratchbuild Bell 407 in 1/25, i can only say besides ``WOW´´ that this is a real beauty, looks exactly like the real one, but dont remember who build it, heres some photos:




We want to see that build David..



Edited by salvador001
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I know historicaly compainies have not released civil only helicopter kits. The EC-135 and 145 both have military versions; however, they are prominently civil. I would be curious how will Revell's 1/72 and 1/35 scale EC-135 and 145 kits sold, because I really think a Bell 407 kit would sell as well if not better. Until then, I'll be watching this build closely!


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That 407 looks very similar to the models I used to see when I worked at Bell Helicopter. I remember there was a BIG display case with larger scale models of all the helicopters, including prototypes that were built by the model shop in Ft. Worth. Some of the model they built were pretty impressive.

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