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difference in colours

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I have been using Revel aqua colours on my first model. Most colour specifications I got from this forum or some build threads; most colours were given in Model Master numbers/names, so I used this conversion table to find the corresponding Revell colours.

However, it seems to me there are some differences between the colours, since they seem to turn out differently on my model than I saw on pictures of other modellers. Is that possible/normal, or just a matter of colours being shown differentyl on pictures?

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None of the color charts are exact since most of the time there is no exact match. They find the closest available color which the modeler can adjust to match. Even in the case of FS and RLM numbered paint, paint with the same number from different manufacturers will look different.

Especially in the case of Tamiya and Revell paints since they don't seem to really base some of their colors off real paint colors.

Edited by SoarinSukhoi
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Hey Prophet, Several years ago, I purchased a fan deck of FS595(B). I don't remember what I paid for it. I do know that they now have FS595©. You can Google just about any info that you want on this subject. They also have an online "fan deck" that you can use to check colors. However, the exactness depends on your computer screen and your printer if you decide to print out a color. Most of the models today refer to FS595(B). I can't say for sure, but there will probably not be much of a difference between FS595(B) and FS595©. But, then again, there could be. But, like I just said, most of the models that we have refer to FS595(B). Good Luck.

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