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Engine exhaust painting

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I don't know if I was too specific with my last topic about this subject. I also do not know if it matters what the exhaust goes to but I still would like to know a good way to paint a jet engine exhaust (f-16...GE) isnide and out. Any ideas or how do you paint your jet engine exhaust?

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You cannot give too much information if you really need help on something, the more the better, especially if your doing a F-16, example pictures help also.

I'm sure if you searched the "In-progress" forum you will find many shots of a GE engine being painted (either on a F-14 or F-16).

It seems like you haven't tried any research and are depending on everyone to barrage you with how too's on a generic description, it's not that hard.

I've seen many builds where the guys will paint the base exterior color and tape off the wear areas and pant them a darker shade, there are also decals that replicate the wear area. For the interior, you can/should start with a white base coat and you can then streak it with a pastel chalk (My technique) or if your capable enough airbrush in the streaking, as for overall colors use your references, theres no magic FS.# for metals, use what looks right to you.

Testors Metalizers is the rack to look at for your exhaust paint needs.

That's about it.


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Hi jetdx,

As Curt says, there are probably as many ways to paint a jet exhaust nozzle as there are modellers.

If you have a photo of a jet exhaust that you like the look of or one of the jet you plan to build then post it up and folk might be able to offer tips or techniques to achieve the look you desire.

If you're interested, look >>here<< for my take on it.




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