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The postman also delivered my Amodel Yak-25RV/RRV - also from Amarket in the Ukraine.

The latest in Amodel's coverage of the Yak twins family, the Yak-25RV is a sort of poor mans U-2.

The box art shows a Yak-25RRV - a radiation reconnaissance variant with underwing pods....


The 8-page instruction booklet is clear - with colour call-outs for Humbrol paints...


The kit itself is neatly moulded - with less flash than usual with Amodel short-run injection kits and good engraved surface detail.....


The massive long-span wings.....


.... and engine nacelles....


Cockpit, wheel bays etc.....


The underwing pods are only applicable to the RRV variant. The clear canopy is one piece...


Decals and markings are included for a Yak-25RV 'Yellow 75' - and an uncoded Yak-25RRV


A welcome addition to my collection of Soviet-era jets - it joins the pile of Amodel Yak-25/27/28 kits on my 'to-do' pile.


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Got one of these in September, and am partway through the build. Sadly, in comparison with walkrounds of the Monino examples, the rear gear bay is somewhat different to the regular Yak-25 bay included in the kit, and the rear roots of the tailplane need to be cut away. Nose gear bay is also a bit different. These are not very visible, just irritating.

You will also find that the port wing root is moulded lower on the fuselage than the starboard one - needds to be sliced off and repositioned at the same height. That's a bit more obvious....

Apart from that, it's good for Amodel.


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