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WANTED: Cutting Edge resins

Cutting Edge CEC48487: RA-5C Seamless Intakes (early)

Cutting Edge 48488: RA-5C Seamless intake trunking, intakes and tail (late)

Cutting Edge 48486: RA-5C Vigilante Correction Set

Cutting Edge 48495: A-7 Corsair II seamless intake

Cutting Edge 48415, a 'Pinocchio' nose for the C-130.

Cutting Edge's 1/48 US F-4 Intake replacements

Cutting Edge 48492: F-4E(S) Peace Jack conversion

Cutting Edge 48494: F4H-1 Phantom II Conversion Set

Cutting Edge CEC48508 F-4B/N Airframe Conversion

Cutting Edge CEC48510: F-4 unslotted and unreinforced stabilators

Cutting Edge 48515: Phantom II slotted and unreinforced stab

Cutting Edge 48506: F-8 seamless intake

Cutting Edge 48446: He-111B/J conversion set

Cutting Edge 48449: He-111D/E conversion set

Cutting Edge 48452: He 111F conversion set

Cutting Edge CEC32176: F-4E(S) 'Peace Jack'

Cutting Edge 32177: F4H-1 Phantom II Conversion Set

Cutting Edge CEC 32180: F-4B/N Phantom II Conversion (Basic Set)

Cutting Edge 32183: F-4 Phantom II seamless intakes

Cutting Edge CEC 32185: F-4B/N Phantom II Conversion (for the F-4C/D kit)

Cutting Edge CEC 32187: F-4B/N Phantom II Conversion (for the F-4J kit)

Cutting Edge CEC 32189: F-4B/C/D/N J-79 Nozzles

Cutting Edge 32191: F-4 Phantom Unslotted stab without stiffener

Cutting Edge CEC32197: F-4 slotted and unreinforced stabilators

Cutting Edge 32163: F-105B/D Open Canopy Correction SetWANTED: Cutting Edge resins

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Good luck with getting some of those items like the F-4 conversions, they fetch a pretty high price on eBay.

If you are looking for the best parts for a build, I'd recommend the 1/48 AirDoc F-4E(S) conversion over the CE, and D-Mold for the F-4 intakes.

You might want to post where you are located.

Edited by Dave Williams
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  • 2 months later...

I know this is a shameless plug, but I really would not bother with the CE 1/48 F-4B/N conversion. All they did was copy the kit parts, ejector pin marks and all. I offer a set through my line if you are interested. You can find it here (I also have unslotted stabs too).

Royale Resin F-4B/N Conversion

If you are interested, I also have some of the other CE sets available too. Send me a PM, and I will let you know which ones.


-Doug :)

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