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colour of primers to use on kits

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I have just finished my tami m1 super sherman a fun simple build but I am torn on what colour of primer to use,

I have tamiya white , grey primers and auto primer in grey and then a black spray I read about more as pre shading idea, I was wondering more accomplished armour modellers would do,I have the mig book and other arcticles from magazines I own and the answers are all over .

thanks Mike

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I think tamiya grey primer is best solution.

Its kinda neutral colour so its best for any further painting or cammouflage.

Try getting Mig production and AK interactive DVDs on painting and weathering, they answered me all questions i ever had about armor modelling so i think they could help you with everything :)



Edited by Sukhoi Su-27
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I just started using Vallejo surface primers. I mix them about 50/50 with distilled water/alcohol thinner and it works great. Super thin, but covers well. I let it sit for about a day or two, and it's rock hard.

I also have their Light Ghost Gray and white primer. Not a big fan of the white, as it takes many light coats to cover.


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