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What's stronger - Milliput or Apoxie Sculpt?

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Hey all,

I've been doing some major putty work in preparation for another putty-laden project, and I've been wondering - which is stronger after it's cured, Milliput or Apoxie Sculpt? The reason is that the pointed nose of this project will be putty, unless someone tells me otherwise, in which case I might just saw the tip off, bond some styrene to it with superglue and sand it to shape.

Thanks in advance for your feedback!

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Let me give you a third option; Mori Mori putty. I don't know about Apoxie, but its significantly stronger than milliput. I use it for that precise function you're talking about (sharp delicate pieces). I've heard apoxie compared favorably to Mori Mori... if that helps.

Edited by -Neu-
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Hmm. I can't find Mori Mori putty, and since I'm on a time crunch I've had to go with heating up a piece of styrene to conform to the surface I'm trying to extend, then gluing it in with CA, and wrapping Apoxie Sculpt around it. I will look for Mori Mori for sure though!

Thanks everyone!!!

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I'm glad this subject is out for discussion, with that said; what consistency should miliput be when first purchased?. The box I bought was hard. I was of the impression it should be more like modeling clay. malleable.

Edited by #1 Greywolf
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I've been doing some major putty work in preparation for another putty-laden project, and I've been wondering - which is stronger after it's cured, Milliput or Apoxie Sculpt?

I've used Milliput before. It's cures rock hard but it is prone to chip depending what you use it for. It's messy to use IMHO. I've never used Apoxie Sculpt, but Jef Verswevel from MMD and formerly VMS Studios says he uses this product for his cockpit masters. I can't comment on how it compares to Milliput unfortunately.

I'm glad this subject is out for discussion, with that said; what consistency should milliput be when first purchased?. The box I bought was hard. I was of the impression it should be more like modeling clay. malleable.

It's similar to clay, but water softens it up. The more water you use that more malleable it becomes. The down side is it's messy. I prefer Magisculpt or Tamiya LCP now a days for this type of work. They're not as messy to use. Tamiya LCP has the consistency of plastic so it's easier to sand and shape. Magisculpt is much harder of the two. I've also used Evercoat with Zactoman's recommenadations and it works well too. Though it's more for pattern work IMO.


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Once again it's Cyrus to the rescue......and it did help...A LOT!!! .
No problem. Glad it helped!
What's Tamiya LCP?
LCP = Light Cure Putty. The only problem is finding the stuff. I believe Tamiya stopped importing these here in the States. Possibly labeling issues? You can still get it from HLJ


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