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I've put at least two different subjects from Authentic decals "in the water" only to have them totally disintegrate either while still on the paper backing or fall apart once I try to position them. No solvents or anything else is in play. When you lay out $15 for a sheet, wait to it to arrive and then have it shatter is not a good thing.

To make matters worse, when I tried to contact them via their website the email bounces back as unknown.

Has anyone else had any problems with this product?

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I've spoken with Oleg fairly recently, since we carry the Authentic line at the Vagabond Store. His (former) printer has had some quality control issues recently that have resulted in less than satisfactory clear coats on the decals. The new Authentic sheets are being done by the Begemot (sp?) print house, so decal shattering should be a thing of the past.

For his older releases, I find that a quick coat of Microscale Liquid Decal Film solves any shattering problems.

Edited by MHaz
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We printed only next decals for AD, which already released:

32-01 MiG-23

32-03 Su-25

48-24 E-2 Atlantic Fleet

48-30 E-2 Pacific fleet

48-49 B-25 in the Russian sky

All other AD decals were printed by other printer company from Ukraine.

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We printed only next decals for AD, which already released:

32-01 MiG-23

32-03 Su-25

48-24 E-2 Atlantic Fleet

48-30 E-2 Pacific fleet

48-49 B-25 in the Russian sky

All other AD decals were printed by other printer company from Ukraine.

Thanks, Andrey! All the AD decals I have are 1/72, so it sounds like I should keep my bottle of Microscale Liquid Decal Film close at hand.

Is there still any plan to release Begemot's 50-option 1/72 Yak-3 decal sheet, or has this project been put aside now that you're working with Authentic, who released their own Yak-3 decals recently? Thank you for any information you can share!


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The decals in question were the E-2C's of the Atlantic fleet,especially the "Screwtops" spiral. How can I get a replacement sheet (or two) for that spiral?

I did the same bird from that decal sheet and that happened to me too but I braved it and "put" the whole decals back together after about a hour. That was not fun.

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To Via Sistina:

we print only 1\48 decals for E-2, in 1\72 scale its not our print.

To John Thompson:

We print 5 decals for AD in the last 1,5 year, as i'm know in this time AD was released about 20-25 decals.

I'm very strongly doubt that Oleg will fully redirect print his decals to us - in aftermarket decals theme by USSR, Russia and ex-USSR AFs we are competitors.

As example - Oleg not so far released Yak-3 decals (this decal was print by main for AD printer company in Ukraine), we work about Yak-3 decals too. Our decal for Yak will release, all decal elements are ready, but main part of work - instruction is in design now.

So i'm shure that Oleg not send to us all print work.

Edited by kotey
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Dear, sir's!

I am Authentic decal brand owner.

And I am obliged to bear responsibility for all that occurs to ours decals, even after you have bought them.

We really had problems with printing house which made circulations

decals for us.

Unfortunately, the durability of a varnish covering cannot be checked up

at once, problems can will appear only after a while...

It concerns only some decals made in the middle of 2010.

Now we really plan to place orders for the press of new circulations with more reliable and protrue operators of services of the press.

We E-mail functions normally, messages about PM from this forum come on it without problems!

I ask all colleagues who has faced problems in use of ours decals to send on E-mail the photo spoilt decal.

I can offer you variants of the decision of a problem which will satisfy you!

I am sorry for the delivered inconveniences!

We really have already taken measures to situation correction!

Kind regards, Oleg Degtyar.

Odessa, Ukraine.

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Dear, sir's!

I am Authentic decal brand owner.

And I am obliged to bear responsibility for all that occurs to ours decals, even after you have bought them.

We really had problems with printing house which made circulations

decals for us.

Unfortunately, the durability of a varnish covering cannot be checked up

at once, problems can will appear only after a while...

It concerns only some decals made in the middle of 2010.

Now we really plan to place orders for the press of new circulations with more reliable and protrue operators of services of the press.

We E-mail functions normally, messages about PM from this forum come on it without problems!

I ask all colleagues who has faced problems in use of ours decals to send on E-mail the photo spoilt decal.

I can offer you variants of the decision of a problem which will satisfy you!

I am sorry for the delivered inconveniences!

We really have already taken measures to situation correction!

Kind regards, Oleg Degtyar.

Odessa, Ukraine.

Thank you, Oleg - it's very good that you support your product like this. I haven't had any problems myself, but now that I know a problem could happen, I can try to prevent it by using the liquid decal film first.


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To John Thompson:

We print 5 decals for AD in the last 1,5 year, as i'm know in this time AD was released about 20-25 decals.

I'm very strongly doubt that Oleg will fully redirect print his decals to us - in aftermarket decals theme by USSR, Russia and ex-USSR AFs we are competitors.

As example - Oleg not so far released Yak-3 decals (this decal was print by main for AD printer company in Ukraine), we work about Yak-3 decals too. Our decal for Yak will release, all decal elements are ready, but main part of work - instruction is in design now.

So i'm shure that Oleg not send to us all print work.

Thanks for the explanation, Andrey! I bought your I-16 decal sheet with 100 different aircraft, and I was very impressed. Your instruction sheets are very good!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Another unhappy customer reports.

I just started to decal the bomb bay doors of my Tu-22M3 "Backfire". I had read this thread and truly hoped my sheet would not be one of the defective ones. Unfortunately it turned out to be just that. Almost all of the tiny stencils meant for the bomb bay doors disintegrated while I was positioning them. I was able to save them with great effort, but my god was I p***** **f!

I've used AD stuff without any problems two or three times, at least on a MiG-29 and (kinda ironically) on a Streem Su-24, whose original decals disintegrated like these AD Backfire decals and I had to get their Su-24 sheet as a replacement...

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