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Love the 3 options you have picked but as the fourth how about grey dragon? Would make a change from all black. My model is comming along well but will be held at paint stage for these decals.

I really like the Grey Dragon (both the Gunship Grey scheme and the older two-tone scheme) but I don't have any photos or references I can work from. It doesn't look like these aircraft were photographed much, and I don't want to have to use someone else's work as the basis of my drawings. I turned the Internet inside out; and none of my books (including the otherwise comprehensive Landis book) has all I need on the grey aircraft.

Besides it looks like there is only space for 3-4 options on a standard sheet, and I'd rather use that for a Desert Storm bird since it was a historic event for the F-117.

Edited by KursadA
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An iteresting and colourful subject for a Desert Storm example is 'Magic Hammer', the 37th TFW Wing Commanders aircraft. I used these markings in 1/48 taken from the Revell 1/48 Promodeller kit on my Tamiya model and I can honestly say it's the best of the lot by a long way!

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Sorry, 'Magic Hammer' was the personal mount of the CO of the 416th TFS. The aircraft can be easily identified in photos because of the 416 TFS lettering on the tail fins and the fact that it has the squadron badge on the starboard fuselage.

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I still need to add a few stencils that I am reworking, and some color adjustments and fine work remains; but this is basically more or less the final draft of the 1/32 F-117 sheet. Despite my efforts I was not able to add a Desert Storm bird: Properly doing one of the 37TFW aircraft would have meant the addition of a full-color insert for the weapons bay artwork. Add to this the slightly different stencilling and national insignia of this period; and the sheet would have to be a two-page affair.

The sheet will have three 49th FW aircraft, one with OIF mission markings (88-0842). I provided correct (both in size and style) national insignia and stencilling to completely replace the Trumpeter kit sheet.

I will finish this today and send it to be printed in a couple days. Let me know what you think.



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  • 2 months later...

Probably a no - but don't suppose you have any plans to do a Desert Storm sheet?

Perversely I want to do 85-0825 in the scheme you mentioned: 'just before Desert Storm, when it was marked with the name of the first RAF F-117 pilot (Sqn Ldr Graham Wardell)'.

Been wanting to do this since I made a start on the Testors/Revell kit in the early 90's - but gave up...

The Trumpeter kit has rekindled my interest - perhaps I'll have to break out the Alps...


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Probably a no - but don't suppose you have any plans to do a Desert Storm sheet?

Perversely I want to do 85-0825 in the scheme you mentioned: 'just before Desert Storm, when it was marked with the name of the first RAF F-117 pilot (Sqn Ldr Graham Wardell)'.

I don't have any immediate plans for a 1/32 sheet, although I have a 1/48 sheet that is near completion. I may consider scaling it up & down at some point.

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