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Tamiya 1/48th IL-2 Shturmovik

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The only thing I see in it is that the price for the AM kit will increase and the other will die on the shelf like their Storchs and Swordfish did. This is not saying it's a bad kit, but not three times better than the AM kit. To be exact not even 25% better. If it had of had AM lables on the box it would have been a good kit. I have one on order with no idea what it's gonna cost, but if it's $60 I'm gonna whine a lot.


But lets not forget why it is a lot more expensive - the price increases over the last few years, especially in the far east. Had this kit been bought out 5 years ago it probably would have cost around £35 instead of £55. People seem to be expecting a kit that costs twice as much as a 10 year old kit to be twice as good!

Edited by Tbolt
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But lets not forget why it is a lot more expensive - the price increases over the last few years, especially in the far east. Had this kit been bought out 5 years ago it probably would have cost around £35 instead of £55. People seem to be expecting a kit that costs twice as much as a 10 year old kit to be twice as good!

You may very well be able to get it far cheaper if you order from the Far East - I've pre-ordered mine from Hobby Link Japan for $42USD. It won't be that cheap from Hannants nor Squadron but I'm not going to order this kit from them. Your point is well-taken however as to why it's more expensive in the first place.



Edited by Learstang
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You may very well be able to get it far cheaper if you order from the Far East - I've pre-ordered mine from Hobby Link Japan for $42USD. It won't be that cheap from Hannants nor Squadron but I'm not going to order this kit from them. Your point is well-taken however as to why it's more expensive in the first place.



Unfortunately ordering from HLJ in the UK isn't that cheap, anything over £15 and we have to pay import VAT at 20% and a Parcel Force handle fee of £8, so by the time you have added shipping your close to the price you can get it in this country anyway. Hopefully Buy4less will stock it, as they sell the Tamiya at good prices, the 1/48 P-47 is about £22.

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I looked his review over, and was left even less than impressed. Good kit yes, but once again not nearly worth one third of the hype it's getting. I yet to see a build review over there that wasn't a great kit anyway, and with advertising dollars needed I pay little attention to them.


That's the reason why I said before. If you don't like it don't buy it but let others enjoy and have their moment.

It's for us IL-2 lovers a BIG hype but it's not a Me-109 or one of the other classics so let it deserves all the credits.

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How do you put a number, in percentages, to quality or improvement? I just don't understand how you get to this 25% number you post here. Is there some special formula I am unaware of?

The question for me is: Am I willing to pay the higher price (whatever it is) for the additional and sharper surface detail, improvements in engineering and fit, and improvements in accuracy. From what I have seen so far in those reviews, the answer for me is an unqualified YES! For you it is apparently NO, so then why are you still posting on this thread?

A big yes from me as well! Though I will try and get it as cheap as I can I will still buy one, more if they bring out other versions. Personally I will always buy most accurate and best quality kit of the subject I am after even if it means buying a few less kits because of the cost.

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See, now everyone has to buy the Tamiya kit because you're cornering the AM market.


I am just amazed that this thread is still alive. OK mega pages of- I do, I don't, I like I don't, I will I won't, Just how many times and how many ways can that statement be made?

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See, now everyone has to buy the Tamiya kit because you're cornering the AM market.


Laws of supply and demand! Ones going to go up and the other's gonna drop like a red hot piece of charcoal till it reaches a point that it becomes a bargin.

I completely expect the Tamiya kit to be a great kit. But it'd better be at that price for a 1/48th kit. The A.M. was (or is) a great kit, but the Tamiya is better (well Brett says it is anyway). Somebody on here bought several for about $10 a piece. Now I'm jealous! What we'll see now is somebody like Vector or Lone Star to come out with a packaged update kit for a few dollars that will include new props and spinner. The guns are nothing to write home about with either kit (neither look like guns to me). But another way to look at it is that we have two different Il's to choose from now. Both are nice kits, but one needs a couple updates. But as with the older one, you have to fall into a certain nich to need the kit (I do a little bit, but not to the extreme). But had Tamiya done the YAK I think there would have been a parade to the hobby shop! Plus lets face it the Russian side of the Ost Front is in need of a major update!


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I am just amazed that this thread is still alive. OK mega pages of- I do, I don't, I like I don't, I will I won't, Just how many times and how many ways can that statement be made?

+1 on that - you and me both! Thirteen pages, and only a handful of posts which actually discuss the kit itself. I was amazed when it went beyond 3 or 4 pages. I hope no one from Tamiya is reading this thread, or they'll probably just give up and close their doors for good. Or stop manufacturing 1/48 kits... Hey, that works! :whistle:


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I won't argue about the Yak: I fully agree that the Yak-9 family is in serious need for modernisation. I just hope the Il-2 is a great success for Tamiya so they, and other mainstream manufacturers watching, will not shy away from doing other WWII Soviet types in future (and there are of course a few more modern Soviet aircraft also on my wish-list, like the MiG-25). Zvezda and Eduard have also both been doing some great work recently, and I wouldn't be supprised if it is one of these two that eventually do the new Yak-9 series. In the meantime, I am going to build myself an Il-2...

Tamiya and even Hasegawa have virtually priced themselves out of existance in my area. Their kits rot on the shelves while others move along steadilly. Yesterday afternoon I looked at the Tamiya Ar-196. No doubt a great kit, but at almost $80! Yet the 1/32 Revell kit was about $43 and a better kit. The Storch was about the same price tag, and finally tossed into the 25% off pile. Somebody bought it after it layed on the shelf for a year and a half. At the other end is the Mustang and a Spitfire just gathering dust (they did sell two Spits and a couple Mustangs when they first came out) Nobody's willing to pay out the nose for those kits even they are well known to be great kits. Yet I can buy a Zvezda 109F2 for $26 that is also a fine kit. Samething with the Revell JU88 in 1/72 scale. It's has good as the well known Hasegawa on a bad day, and most folks think it far better. But at less than half the price. I bought three Revell Venturas at the list price. Just a great kit all the way around, but if it had a Tamiya lable on the box it'd cost me a $100 a pop! But at $100 would it have been better? Fat chance! Now I see two Tamiya Lancasters in 1/48th on the new rack. At $135 a piece! Two years ago they couldn't give them away for $75 on Ebay. I love Lancasters, but a 1/48 version is just too big for me. I bought the 1/72 Hasegawas and Revells (four kits)for about the same amount of money. And looking at armor we see that Dragon has virtually killed them with better detail and accuracey for a fraction of the price. But had Tamiya done a 1/48th early Intruder for about $55 they'd sold a million of them. I keep wanting Revell to retool their Intruder with recessed panel lines and some more updates in the $55 range, and lets hopesomebody wakes up.

Lastly folks have stated they bought their kits right out of Asia for $40+. That's great, but don't cry when your LHS is gone.


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Fair enough, SM. I'm sure this point has been argued (and re-argued) on this site before. Regarding Luftwaffe aeroplanes, I see that you're doing a Tamiya He-219; now that's one I can't wait to see in 1/32nd scale (and I'd still like to get it in 1/48th scale)!



Disclaimer - not to get off topic, just finally responding to an earlier post on this thread.

Well put, Jason, and very much agreed! First, sorry for the delayed response, I know this was from back in April but I completely forgot to respond as I needed to use the "multiquote" feature, which I can't do from my phone (which is what I use about 95% of the time to access the forums - and I must say that the "mobile version" of this for i-phone SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKS!!!). Anyhoo, I remembered today I wanted to respond to you :woot.gif: . As for my Tamiya 219 - it's coming along nicely - though I have this nasty habit of starting a model, doing "x" amount of work on it, then starting another model, and repeating the same process till I have 6 kits I'm rotating through at one time until they're finished. But yes, I'm very much looking forward to both of the 1/32 He 219 releases due out from ZM and Revell (and I STILL need to get my hands on a ZM Skyraider at some point :rolleyes:). Anyhoo, I was going to address the ZM kit in addtion to the Revell one that Otto mentioned, which was the whole reason for why I needed the "multiquote" option in the first place. But, it was addressed shortly thereafter by Gary; so the need for that was no more...


Also, i've quoted the rest of the line of discussion shortly following the post just in case anyone wants to accuse me of hijacking the Il-2 thread... Learstang did it :wasntme::thumbsup:

Isn't Revell doing the he-219 in 1/32. I believe I saw it in their catalog for this year.

have you seen the photos of the new one from Z.M. yet?? That kit would take me a year to build!


ZM's coming out with an He-219!? Neither is going to be exactly cheap, but I suspect with all the over-engineering ZM do with their kits their's is going to be much more expensive than the Revell kit (not that I would mind them doing a nicely over-engineered Shutorumobiku in 1/32nd scale). ...Well, I took a little time away from writing this post to look at the test shots of the ZM He-219. Most impressive! Mind you it'll cost a mint and take me about five years to build! Although they could have done another kit seeing as how Revell are going to be doing one, I'm not complaining. If I have the money, I'll buy both.



Edited by Skyraider Maniac
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It's simple: There is not much else to do while you wait for the model to appear on the shelves. This long thread (and multiple ones on other sites) at least show how much interest they are generating: Some of it simply because they are Tamiya, but for many of us because it is actually one of those very rare breeds - a GPW VVS aircraft from a major mainstream manufacturer.

Sorry, dude - you're preaching to the choir on that one. You haven't said a thing that I haven't already known for years.


Edit - Sorry (again) - that sounded a bit rude. What I meant was, if there's anyone on the Internet who's been complaining more than me about the lack of mainstream GPW VVS kits, especially in 1/72, then I'd like to know who it is so I can give him my support. And of course, now I'm guilty of the same thing I was talking about - taking the thread off the topic of the kit itself... :doh:


Edited by John Thompson
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Sorry, dude - you're preaching to the choir on that one. You haven't said a thing that I haven't already known for years.


Edit - Sorry (again) - that sounded a bit rude. What I meant was, if there's anyone on the Internet who's been complaining more than me about the lack of mainstream GPW VVS kits, especially in 1/72, then I'd like to know who it is so I can give him my support. And of course, now I'm guilty of the same thing I was talking about - taking the thread off the topic of the kit itself... :doh:


I don't know, John, I regularly whine, I mean talk on the LSP site about the scandalous lack of GPW VVS aircraft in 1/32nd scale. Let's see, in injection-moulded plastic, we now have the Hobby Boss Shturmoviks, the Azur/Special Hobby I-16's (not even mainstream manufacturers), and the Trumpeter MiG-3 (still in production?). Wow, our cup runneth over! No Yak fighters of any type (only the most-produced fighter series of all time), no Lavochkins, no I-153 (but then again we don't even have a decent I-153 in 1/72nd scale yet, do we John?). To paraphrase what I've said before, I wonder who all those Bf-109's were fighting in the Soviet Union.



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Tamiya and even Hasegawa have virtually priced themselves out of existance in my area. Their kits rot on the shelves while others move along steadilly.

Don't forget that one US dollar buys less than 80 Japanese yen these days. Not all that long ago it bought over 120 yen, so if you do the math, we're getting the short end of that stick. They're pricing their kits the way they feel they need to price them, and if they jacked them up so they shot themselves in the foot, then they'd have shot themselves in the foot to no purpose. You don't intentionally kill your company the way some people seem to think model companies do. Clearly they're still making money, otherwise they wouldn't continue to put out new kits. If the supply of new product dried up *and* the prices were through the roof I'd say you had a point. Not saying I agree with all of their pricing decisions (esp Trumpeter and Italeri), but every company is different.

Also, the "LHS" is a non-event for some of us. The closest hobby shop worthy of the name is a 3 hour drive from me. I haven't bought a kit at a hobby shop in years.

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This thread becomes more and more off topic considering that we're having a discussion what you think about the new IL-2.

My opinion states that the ones which are not interested keep off this topic and give comments on the models you like.

I don't like Me-109's and I surely don't give my opinion on that.

For the others we'll have to wait till the end of June.

But it's coming!!!!! :)


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I think he means he doesn't go on a thread about a new Bf-109 and tell everyone how he doesn't like them.

After turning my brain to mush scanning 272 posts in this thread, there's no hate here for the Il-2. Plenty over 109s and Corsairs and other modelers, but none toward the Il-2.


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Maybe not specifically hate towards the aircraft, but there were lots of negative comments about a new Il-2 kit. Let me quote from this very thread:

Not my point at all, huh?

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