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Loooks like another airline icon is flying off into the sunset. Unions approve American merger with US airways. so sad but things happen when mismanagement lets costs get out of control.



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Loooks like another airline icon is flying off into the sunset. Unions approve American merger with US airways. so sad but things happen when mismanagement lets costs get out of control.



US Airways is a flying Turkish prison (no disrespect intended for our Turkish members). American wasn't much better. Hopefully once this deal is done, US Air will then be bought out by Emirates or another airline that has real commitment to customer service. Good riddance to both.

Edited by 11bee
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US Airways is a flying Turkish prison (no disrespect intended for our Turkish members). American wasn't much better. Hopefully once this deal is done, US Air will then be bought out by Emirates or another airline that has real commitment to customer service. Good riddance to both.

That's how I feel about Continental. I avoid United/Continental at all costs.

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That's how I feel about Continental. I avoid United/Continental at all costs.

That's funny because I always thought Continental did a pretty good job (by domestic US standards at least). I was sad to see them get sucked up by United (another airline that deserves to go away).

Only decent options for US domestic flights are Jet Blue and to a lesser extent SW. Heard good things about Virgin America but they still have a limited network and I haven't had a chance to fly them yet.

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Only decent options for US domestic flights are Jet Blue and to a lesser extent SW. Heard good things about Virgin America but they still have a limited network and I haven't had a chance to fly them yet.

I love Alaska Air. And their regional subsidiary (Horizon) gives your free beer or wine.

Fortunately for me, I think I've passed the point in my life where I have to do TOO much travel out of the northwest quarter of the lower 48 + BC + Alaska...

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I have always flown American Airways when doing a Transatlantic trips and found them and their service was good..I am not sure if that ALL will change ...

I may have to find another airlnier to do the travelling with if the sevice et al takes a nose dive{ excuse the pun} :rolleyes:

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Eh, all the major airlines are just flying cattle cars nowadays. They are all pretty horrid in my opinion. At least Southwest doesn't rake you over the coals with bags fees and all that though (but they're still a flying cattle car line also).

I used to like Midwest when I had to fly to KC for work, but alas they too are gone.

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Its my understanding that US Airways hasn't even made an offer. The APA, TWU, and the Flight Attendant's unions have all approved a merger if US Airways were to make an offer.

Exactly. This is far from done. And, according to the letter sent to AA pilots by their union (posted elsewhere online), if it comes to pass, the combined airline will retain the American Airlines name, and DFW headquarters. Considering US still hasn't resolved its own union agreements over the US/America West merger in 2005, I find this agreement a bit ironic.

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Its my understanding that US Airways hasn't even made an offer.

It's my understanding that talks have been ongoing for some time. Something of an open secret. Nothing definitive, but the talks are happening.

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It's my understanding that talks have been ongoing for some time. Something of an open secret. Nothing definitive, but the talks are happening.

I specifically said that US Airways hasn't made an offer yet. I didn't say they weren't talking. Airlines are always talking. Heck, all the CEOs sit on all the other airline board of directors. (OK, maybe not all, but you get the point. And if you didn't know that, well it shouldn't be a shocker) But APA and ALPA at American Eagle have both stated that AMR isn't interested in making a deal with US Airways until they can determine whether or not they will be able to emerge from Chapter 11 independently. If not, then there would be actual negotiations and offers between AA and US Airways. US Airways is probably savvy enough to know that AMR will wait to negotiate until something definitive comes from the Bankruptcy Judge. Also, US Airways is probably savvy enough to know that they'd be first on AMR's list of potential buyout or merger. You and Moose135 are correct in that the combined US Airways/AMR Holdings (AA and American Eagle Airlines) would retain the American Airlines name, although the future of American Eagle is likely to include spinoff. Worse, it may include folding or closure, with the flying redistributed to more "affordable" regional airlines.

I get the information directly from one of the unions involved because I'm a member of one, but I won't say to which one or to what capacity. The APA, ALPA, TWU, AFA, and AAFA are all included and given this information.


Edited by jester292
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Midwest at one time was based here in Appleton, WI and its tagline was "The best care in the air." Each seat was business or first class, food was great and was served on real plates with linen napkins and real silverware. Then 911 occurred and the food service disappeared, for a while their famous hot fresh chocolate chip cookies disappeared too. Especially after Frontier acquired them and Republic.

I find it strange that an airline that had this quality of care and service was able to operate at a profit! After being sold off and like most other airlines who went through all of the downsizing, cutbacks and other cost saving measures airlines can't make money. The two areas they point to is fuel and labor costs. Seems as the wages across the board increased for employees and managers, the service level decreased and apathy spread like a plague.

Convenience costs. Because travelers (consumers) don't like being inconvenienced, the airlines had to press more equipment into service to make more connections. Smaller regional aircraft making several trips between hubs and serviced cities, instead of fewer larger aircraft. This added to crowded skies, congestion and delays. Airlines are forced by their own actions to provide service to airports which don't fill seats to such a level that makes the run profitable. Some are cutting flights back because they can no longer sustain this business model, but for many its too late they've run beyond the point when they can recover.

I see the same thing in the transit buses that serve our area, too many buses hauling too few passengers. If it wasn't for taxpayer subsidies these buses would not be on the road. Some airlines are operating receiving such support.

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Hi J,

Not to hyjack the thread, but noticed the Fundekals website. Good start and I look forward to seeing more product soon.



According to the union's release the company will retain the American Airlines name and brand ID.

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Hi J,

Not to hyjack the thread, but noticed the Fundekals website. Good start and I look forward to seeing more product soon.



Not to hijack the thread either but Go Bruins!

What else completely OT can we talk about in this thread?

What is everyone's favorite 70's disco band?

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Not to hijack the thread either but Go Bruins!

What else completely OT can we talk about in this thread?

What is everyone's favorite 70's disco band?

A bit harsh isn't it?

ANNNNYYway. I haven't flown in quite a while so I don't know what's a good airline and what's a bad one anymore. Last time I flew was American and it was pleasant enough. That was about 10 years ago I guess. But it seems like there are good and bad aspects off all companies. I think anytime a company with such heritage gets into trouble it's a negative thing. I'd rather it be fixed, but sometimes that's just not a viable option.


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The other thing is there are a whole bunch of us who are fed up with all the Scope & Grope bovine-scatology Security Theater and have rallied to the "Fed Up Flyers/We Won't Fly" banner in protest of our Fourth Amendment being used as toilet-paper. (Along with the REST of the US Constitution...)

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A bit harsh isn't it?

Didn't mean to offend, it was just such a random and completely off topic comment that I had to laugh.

Anyway.... To be honest, I think that just about every domestic US airline offers about the same level of service / comfort / convenience. From the other posts, it seems like there are still a couple that do a slightly better job than the rest but not enough to return air travel to where it was a couple of decades ago. It's pretty much a cattle car experience no matter whose logo is on the tail.

International flying is a bit different. I still think the US airlines are horrible but at least you have other options besides US carriers.

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The Unions can yap all they want back-n-forth. It doesn't mean squat. The "companies" have no intention of combining. Pilots at American are trying to get their retirement back, and this was nothing but a grandstranding ploy to get the AMR managers to start talking again.

None of us wanna merge with US Airways. Those people can't even figure out their own problems.


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...not enough to return air travel to where it was a couple of decades ago. It's pretty much a cattle car experience no matter whose logo is on the tail.

Which brings up another aspect of it. There are those that long for the old days of airtravel being a majestic undertaking. Where flying IS the event. And then there are those that want air travel to be nothing more than a taxi service that just happens to fly with the same convenience. I think the lowering of the experience is partly to blame on both the airlines AND the general passenger population. You treat an airline like a taxi, pretty soon it's going to be just a taxi. IMHO I think it's a combination of both.


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Which brings up another aspect of it. There are those that long for the old days of airtravel being a majestic undertaking. Where flying IS the event. And then there are those that want air travel to be nothing more than a taxi service that just happens to fly with the same convenience. I think the lowering of the experience is partly to blame on both the airlines AND the general passenger population. You treat an airline like a taxi, pretty soon it's going to be just a taxi. IMHO I think it's a combination of both.


Agreed. I wouldn't expect (or want) air travel to return to where it was back in "the day" when you were expected to dress up to fly and only the well heeled could afford it. Instead, I'd settle for a flight that doesn't have seats with minimum pitch, where you get a bit more than a dixie cup of soda and some stale chips and 9 times out of 10, are shoehorned into a plane that is completely booked.

The only distinguishing characteristic these days is with the flight attendants. Inevitably, the SW attendants come across as friendly and actually seem to be enjoying their job. Just about every flight, I walked away smiling over some joke they cracked. Continental (pre-merger) was pretty close but more "buttoned down" than SW. United, American and Delta staff seemed to be simply going through the motions and the US Air flight attendants appeared to actually hate their jobs (and their passengers as well).

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I didn't know you were the forum police, sorry, had I known, I would have picked a different thread to hyjack. I didn't want to start a completely new thread, just to wish J happy dreams...again a 1000 pardons.


ps: Bee Gees

Not to hijack the thread either but Go Bruins!

What else completely OT can we talk about in this thread?

What is everyone's favorite 70's disco band?

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