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F-22 Raptor completed

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After exactly two months and one day, my Italeri F-22 is now complete. This is my second model done, after my first Revell F-18E of the same scale.

I was foolish to not research reviews over this aircraft before. The fit is absolutely ridiculous, and especially for me, a novice modeler, things did not turn out pretty. Also, the paint guide sucks, giving absolutely wrong colors and FS numbers. As a result, some decals are barely visible and which is why I have not applied all the stencils, still debating whether or not to apply them at all.


Represents A/C 04-4083 from the 94th, in Langley AFB, Virginia.


The vertical stablizers are my favorite part of the aircraft!

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As a result from a shortage of storage space, I built this custom display area out of cardboard, which is unfortunately already falling apart :/



This is my second model built! I hope you guys like it!

My next model will be a F-16, of Block 52, with the decals from 17th WPS School out of Nellis AFB, Nevada. Got the decals from Twobobs already! Just waiting for the plane itself :)

Thanks for viewing!


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Thanks for the comments guys :D

Yeah I also got the F-15 Nellis Weapons School decals. On second thought, perhaps the F-15 might be a better choice because I hear that Tamiya models are quite complex to build.

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Thanks for the feedback guys! Thank you for your kind comments!

Haha, I guess the 48 scale Raptor is pretty big, but those airliners are all in 1/400 scale (except the two MD-82s, those are in 1/250 scale)


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