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Typhoon "kills" F-16

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I've seen this all over on Facebook, Twitter, and various blogs. I don't mean to sound flip, but what's the big deal? The Typhoon is a generation or two ahead of the F-16, so is it a surprise that one "killed" an F-16?

Just curious. :unsure:

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I've seen this all over on Facebook, Twitter, and various blogs. I don't mean to sound flip, but what's the big deal? The Typhoon is a generation or two ahead of the F-16, so is it a surprise that one "killed" an F-16?

Just curious. :unsure:

Its a huge deal. It proves once and for all that the Typhoon is the greatest warplane ever built. Before this no F-16 had ever been shot down in mock combat. :rolleyes: Nevermind that we don't really know the rules or circumstances of the engagement or that pilots are still the biggest X-factor in dog fighting. What we do know is that the Typhoon rocks and thats why India is buying them. oops! :rolleyes:

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I've seen this all over on Facebook, Twitter, and various blogs. I don't mean to sound flip, but what's the big deal? The Typhoon is a generation or two ahead of the F-16, so is it a surprise that one "killed" an F-16?

Just curious. :unsure:

I agree, it took them how long to get "One".


Edited by Netz
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It's not like it's the first time a Typhoon has 'killed' and F-16, it's just the first time that the HUD display from a Typhoon 'in action' has been made public.


I'm sure it's not the first time a Typhoon has been killed by another jet either. Why do people make such a big deal over stuff like this? So many variables involved that a 10 sec HUD tape that gets posted on the net means absolutely zero (except, of course, to the fanboys of the "winning" jet).

Somewhere out on the net, one can find a HUD tape of an A-10 killing an F-15. What does that mean? Is the A-10 now the better jet?


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I'm sure it's not the first time a Typhoon has been killed by another jet either. Why do people make such a big deal over stuff like this? So many variables involved that a 10 sec HUD tape that gets posted on the net means absolutely zero (except, of course, to the fanboys of the "winning" jet).

Somewhere out on the net, one can find a HUD tape of an A-10 killing an F-15. What does that mean? Is the A-10 now the better jet?


I am sure that any video showing an A10 shooting down an F-15 was quickly......how should I say it.........lost. Wouldn't that video be awesome to watch?

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Thus proving the Avro Arrow was the best plane ever!


Alvis 3.1

Little known fact, an Avro Arrow got into a mock dogfit with 27 MiG-29's, 42 Rafale's and 199 F-22 Raptors and was able to shoot them all down in a mere 21 minutes.

Of course, the Most Interesting Man in the World was flying the Arrow, so it is no surprise the Arrow accomplished such a feat.

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Sorta like the photo caption I saw one time on a QF-86H going down in flames in the 1970s (F-14 Phoenix kill): "A QF-86H goes down in flames over the Gulf of Mexico, proving beyond doubt that the US Navy is fully capable of shooting down obsolete, subsonic, non-maneuvering, unmanned aircraft." :)

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Sorta like the photo caption I saw one time on a QF-86H going down in flames in the 1970s (F-14 Phoenix kill): "A QF-86H goes down in flames over the Gulf of Mexico, proving beyond doubt that the US Navy is fully capable of shooting down obsolete, subsonic, non-maneuvering, unmanned aircraft." :)

Or the story about the F-14 pilot who shot himself down. Score one for the drones.


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Its a huge deal. It proves once and for all that the Typhoon is the greatest warplane ever built. Before this no F-16 had ever been shot down in mock combat. :rolleyes: Nevermind that we don't really know the rules or circumstances of the engagement or that pilots are still the biggest X-factor in dog fighting. What we do know is that the Typhoon rocks and thats why India is buying them. oops! :rolleyes:

well we know that this cannot go without a note from the Old Crumudgeon himself!

No one knows the exact circumstances of the game, and lets face it nobody knows the skill level of the two guys claiming to be flying these planes. But truth be known a dog fight at 1000 feet would probably go to something like an A10 or a MIG-21MF when flown by pilots of equale skill levels. Secondly the Typhoon has a couple problems that will make it into chaff long before it has the chance to fire the first shot. Thirdly you can rest assured that the folks at all the combat aviation schools know the ins and outs of every piece of equipment on this planet and then some, so I can rest assured that my tax dollars won't be buying them any sleep aids while they are up all night worrying about how to evade the death grip of a Typhoon jet fighter. Most of the better skilled pilots will also tell you that the folks that see their enemy first usually win. With that in mind there is no contest! We all know who's got better avionics inside all that sheet metal (nbow one of the design flaws starts to roar to the very front of the line). But lets move the armed conflict to somewhere around 20,000 meters. Here the air starts to thin and a lighter plane starts to show some things that the otherguys failed to know (remember how good the old MIG-21MF was in a dog fight?). In a close order drill that old Mig is well known as to be a very dangerous plane to do a face off with at 500 meters. The F16's (late ones especially)are known to turn on a dime at this altitude. And so is the little MIG. The lighter weights of these two planes will give you a better climb rate unless you got massive thrust to counter act it. So doing split S's with a typical heavy fighter may lead to a premature ending of the airframe. Yet we also know that the Isrealies have shot down lots of MIG's all thru the years (a lot of this has to be in pilot skills for sure). But to go on further with this thought and yet going back to school one more time; most of us know that the only planes to seriously handle the F15 (never been one shot down by another plane; AS IN NEVER) has been the not so good F16 and of course the better F22. I seriously doubt that anybody in their right mind would even dare to put the Typhoon in the same class with the antique F15 Eagle. So my thoughts on this are that somebody needs to make better use of their spare time (my Dad would simply say "get a job boy!"). But anyway whatever that bunch is smoking they need to go into business as it's some really good stuff!


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I'm sure it's not the first time a Typhoon has been killed by another jet either. Why do people make such a big deal over stuff like this? So many variables involved that a 10 sec HUD tape that gets posted on the net means absolutely zero (except, of course, to the fanboys of the "winning" jet).

Somewhere out on the net, one can find a HUD tape of an A-10 killing an F-15. What does that mean? Is the A-10 now the better jet?


But at 500 feet the A10 has a good chance to get the job done, as it can literally turn on a dime at that altitude. And face it, just how many 30mm hits can any of these planes stand before being turned into powdered metal?


Edited by ChesshireCat
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Considering the Typhoon, and most of Nato, can't sustain an air operations campaign without heavy US support it kinda of defeats the point of killing a single viper.

I don't know, they seemed to fare alright enforcing the Libyan No-Fly Zone without US help...


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I don't know, they seemed to fare alright enforcing the Libyan No-Fly Zone without US help...


Without weighing into a p---sing contest like this, that example is hardly a challenging test. No opposition to speak of and pretty much in NATO's back yard. I also thought that there was a significant contribution to this effort by non-NATO states.

I think the general consensus by pretty much all of the partner nations is that NATO does not have the logistical and specialized combat resources to conduct any real combat ops without major US support. Given the ongoing financial crisis, it doesn't appear that any of the members have the political will to increase defense spending to rectify these deficiencies. So like it or not, Fulcrum's statement is accurate and will be for many years to come.

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But at 500 feet the A10 has a good chance to get the job done, as it can literally turn on a dime at that altitude. And face it, just how many 30mm hits can any of these planes stand before being turned into powdered metal?


I am not sure the gunsight on the A-10 even has an Air to Air setting. A sidewinder kill would be fairly easy under the right circumstances though.

Considering an F-16 costs about a third of what a Typhoon costs, let's see who wins in a fight between 3 F-16s and 1 Typhoon- guns only.

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