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Going off air for a while

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Well, I finally bit the bullet. This Thursday, I'l be moving into our new apartment with my girlfriend. Money will be very tight for a few months, so no internet or cable for a while.

I'm not leaving permamently, I just won't have any access to a computer. I hope everybody is still here when I finally do get a computer, so DON'T MOVE!!!!! :lol: I'll check in from time to time if I can. See you soon.


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You might try your local library. They usually have internet access for card holders.

With my work scedule the way it is, The library will be closed by the time I get off.


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Everyone needs a break from the routine, as my good friend Kolja said, Good luck with the move. It seems when one moves they dump stuff they don't want or need any more, OK...but this only makes room for new stuff that will dumped on the next move.

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