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What are the BEST songs ever?

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A tough one! There are many, many good songs but these are some that I like very much

The End - The Doors

Riders on the storm - The Doors

Born on the Bayou - CCR

Tom Sawyer - Rush

Perfect Strangers - Deep Purple

Gimme Shelter - Rolling Stones

As long as you follow - Fleetwood Mac

The dark side of the moon - Pink Floyd

I´m outta time - Oasis

Sonne - Rammstein

Vicarious - Tool

Hells Bells - AC/DC

Mainly it depends on what I´m building at the time

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hi,too many songs to list,one that stands out in my mind the wreck of the edmond fitzgerald or anything by gordon lightfoot brill songwriter cheers don ps i like jetboy the new york dolls as well

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and this version of Amazing Grace


Good call on Amazing Grace ... :thumbsup:

Here's one of my favorite renditions of the song ...

>>> Clicky <<<


Amazing Grace?!?! Childs Play I say! Please....I'd say thats the most recognizable Bagpipe tune next to Scotland the Brave - which in a grand sense is lame....... considering there's FAAAAAAR Better songs on the pipes out there. Don't get me wrong, Amazing grace is a truly a great tune for the most respectable sitations, but by no means is it a measure of pure-bagpipe-awesomeness.... Allow me to demonstrate:

My opinion, best solo piper of all time, Neil Anderson of Rathkeltair - hands down, no question :smiley-whacky084:

Had the pleasure of seeing him live in 2005 at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games - incredible. :woot.gif:

Best Pipe Band ever? Thats tough, but I'd have to say The Victoria Police Pipe Band - Multi-world Pipe Band Competition Champions (a pity that the Australian government stepped in and destroyed such a grand competition band - it was truly a great loss to the world competition circuit)! Here's the Hellbound train: a truly AMAZING tune, I think it's only topped by the Murray's Fancy Suite (pity that youtube doesn't have that... you can find it on iTunes - it's truly their best tune I think). The flow and coordination of the band is awesome! I especially love the harmonies in this particular song.

(Sorry, but I've maxed the amount of videos I can post, so the rest are in links - but I think you get the point)

#2? I'd say that's a tie between the Simon Fraser University Pipe Band and 78th Fraser Highlanders - I'd say it goes back and forth between them.


78th Fraser Highlanders

and finally, for something truely beautiful, a taste of Uilleann Pipes:

A helpful "taste" from your friendly ARC-resident Bagpiper :salute:

Edited by Skyraider Maniac
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I heard the new Rush and I loved it. Sounds like that song should have been on 2112. They went back to their roots and started playing heavier. Rush went through a small decline in the mid- eighties also. I think way to much keyboard was being used in albums like Grace Under Pressure, Power Windows, which is also great, but I think to many fans were sick of all the keybords and missed Alex's great guitar work, and l welcome back the heavier side of Rush. I hope they come through Northeast Pa soon again.

Well from what i've read, this is the next 2112. It's a concept album just like 2112 is. There's also a book coming out by the same name writen by Neil Peart and someone else that goes with the album "Clockwork Angels".

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Amazing Grace?!?! Childs Play I say! Please....I'd say thats the most recognizable Bagpipe tune next to Scotland the Brave - which in a grand sense is lame....... considering there's FAAAAAAR Better songs on the pipes out there. Don't get me wrong, Amazing grace is a truly a great tune for the most respectable sitations, but by no means is it a measure of pure-bagpipe-awesomeness....

A helpful "taste" from your friendly ARC-resident Bagpiper :salute:


I don't deny there are better pipers, better pipe bands and songs played on the pipes than what I linked in my post. I was posting what I personally thought was a great version of Amazing Grace. My father was an accomplished piper. Growing up in Ireland, he played the Uilleann Pipes and he also played the bagpipes. In the late 60's, after living in Canada for over a dozen years, helped form the Ottawa Police Pipes and Drums Band. They used to practice at what was CFB Rockcliffe and one night while they were practicing, so was the Air Force Pipe Band and the Armed Force Band. I remember the three bands playing a rendition of Amazing Grace similar to this. I'll always remember that. As a matter of fact, a current member of the OPS Pipe Band is a world champion; Andrew Hayes. Check him out. Now there's piping for you! :thumbsup:


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REM---Man on the moon

Bob Dylan---Like a rolling stone

Wilson Picket---Mustang Sally

Pink Floyd---Comfortably numb

Dire Straits---Walk of life

Young Rascals---Good loving

Van Morrison---Brown eyed girl

Ten Years After---I'd love to change the world

Arlo Guthrie---Alice's Restaurant

John Fred and his Playboys---Judy in disguise

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I don't deny there are better pipers, better pipe bands and songs played on the pipes than what I linked in my post. I was posting what I personally thought was a great version of Amazing Grace. My father was an accomplished piper. Growing up in Ireland, he played the Uilleann Pipes and he also played the bagpipes. In the late 60's, after living in Canada for over a dozen years, helped form the Ottawa Police Pipes and Drums Band. They used to practice at what was CFB Rockcliffe and one night while they were practicing, so was the Air Force Pipe Band and the Armed Force Band. I remember the three bands playing a rendition of Amazing Grace similar to this. I'll always remember that. As a matter of fact, a current member of the OPS Pipe Band is a world champion; Andrew Hayes. Check him out. Now there's piping for you! :thumbsup:



I wasn't saying it was bad, just cliché (I may not have done quite a good job of pointing it out that way; as a piper, I always get a little annoyed that our genre is typically defined merely by "Amazing Grace" and "Scotland the Brave" by most folks when there are vastly more impressive compositions out there - so generally, I mean it more for educational purposes - not in a belittling sense). It is awesome that you have such a good bagpipe "base" :cheers:

That's really awesome about your father! I really really really want to learn the Uilleann pipes! Just they're so darn expensive :-/ one day.... I bet that was awesome hearing all 3 bands playing Amazing Grace at the same time. I was in the VMI pipe band at one point, and really enjoyed it when the reg band and us played together - we'd play stuff like Shenandoah and Amazing grace together, it was great! :thumbsup:


Edited by Skyraider Maniac
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Rammstein - Mein Teil

Dream Theater - Count of Tuscany

Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody

Pink Floyd - High Hopes

In Flames - Jester Race

Therion - Rise of Soddom and Gomorah

Metallica - Master of Puppets

Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark

Volbeat - Sad Man's Tongue

Satyricon - K.I.N.G.

Sabaton - Price of a mile


Edited by Sebastijan
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