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Storm damage in SW Virginia - I'm offline for the foreseeable futu

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The *massive* line of "derecho" thunderstorms that moved through (among other places) southern Virginia on Friday evening left my property a grand mess, and me without power, water, or phone for the foreseeable future. Major trees down all over my property, one of which took my entire electrical connection down with it. Being far out in the country, I'll be the 2,732,914th priority for Appalachian Power's repair crews, so I can't imagine having power back for many days, and more likely a couple of weeks, given the extent and severity of damage in the area. Fortunately I survived with minimal damage to the house, although my milk shed will never be quite the same, and the yard's an obstacle course.

If anyone needs to get in touch with me, send an email and I'll try to check it when I have access to an internet connection, but it may be a few days.


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Well, hope things are repaired and you're back on-line (beyond just the internet) in a timely manner. Hope your home is set up in a way you can function at a late-19th century capacity for a while. Other than you starting a new job and who knows what other responsibilities you have local, if you decide to take a break and for whatever reason feel a need to tour the Pacific Northwest, you're more than welcome to bunker here.

Good luck.

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I am sorry to hear of your predicament and sad that you have had it bad...Hope no one is injured and that you are alright in that respect.

Is there anything you need ....if I can help from over here then let ME know...

Take care and be safe..

good luck.


Edited by HOLMES
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Hope everybody in the path of the storms got through OK and is able to clean up with minimal fuss (wouldn't want to be in Virginia this time of year without AC!) The line of storms just barely missed us..the northern edge passed less than 50 miles south of here. I don't think we've had a single drop of rain in a month..my lawn looks like straw (of course the weeds are thriving, but I don't dare mow them down without further damaging what's left of the grass.)


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More of same last night. 60+ gusts for 45 minutes around midnight, along (this time) with 1.75" or rain, which we desperately needed. More limbs and one additional tree down. Fortunately I hadn't started the cleanup yet anyway. In town to do laundry and snag some free WiFi at my favorite watering hole. More of same predicted tonight and tomorrow. But global climate change is just a theory...

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Hang tough J, I can empathize with you as I was caught in a very similar situation as a kid. The main thing is you're OK, and will recover from this. You'll be in my talk with the Big Guy upstairs.

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Modeling by candlelight!

We have somehow been skipped by all these storms once again. They always seem to just go South of us. Last night you could see lightning flashes and hear the thunder and yet we still didn't even get enough rain to make the driveway look wet. My yard has the same appearance as Steve N's. I thought he was describing my house.

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I'm here in Ohio and lost power on Friday cause of the storm. No damage to the house but some tree damage. Had everything cleaned up by Saturday afternoon. They say I might not have power back until the 8th. I am lucky I do have hot and cold water and use my car to keep my smart phone charged up.


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But global climate change is just a theory...

Whaddayamean, "just" a theory..? A theory is about as good as it gets in science.

When scientists use the word theory, it has a different meaning to normal everyday use.1 That's right, it all comes down to the multiple meanings of the word theory. If you said to a scientist that you didn't believe in evolution because it was "just a theory", they'd probably be a bit puzzled.

In everyday use, theory means a guess or a hunch, something that maybe needs proof. In science, a theory is not a guess, not a hunch. It's a well-substantiated, well-supported, well-documented explanation for our observations. It ties together all the facts about something, providing an explanation that fits all the observations and can be used to make predictions. In science, theory is the ultimate goal, the explanation. It's as close to proven as anything in science can be.


Good to hear you're ok, and succes with the cleanup job!



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Whaddayamean, "just" a theory..? A theory is about as good as it gets in science.

Tongue planted firmly in cheek. There is a large swath of the American populace who firmly believe that nothing mankind could do could possibly affect the global climate. These same folks think evolution is "a theory with a lot of holes in it", and that trickle down economics works. And that the earth is flat.


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Hang in there...went through the same thing a while back...no power for a week! At least I had water though as I live just down from the local reservoir and my city water is gravity fed to me. Spent a lot of money in gas for my generator though!

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Bizarrely, we're still without power, but the DSL is working just fine :) If I sequence the load just right, my little generator will run the fridge and the computer at the same time. Have to cut the computer off to use the fan upstairs though...

Still no estimate on power restoration. I'm surviving though. Lots of folks worse off than I am right now. With all the work yet to do, I'm still guessing it may be another week or more before I see a crew here to re-string my line out to the transformer. I called the local phone co-op to congratulate them. Their phone/cable line stood up to the gigantic branch that ripped the electrical line off the transformer, even when I had to bounce and twist it to get the branch off! Made of some tough stuff!

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