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MD-11 UPS - Consider it finished!

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This is a Hasegawa 1/200 MD-11 with GE engines, which I'm gonna make as UPS's N256UP.<br><br>Yellow stripe is painted - will have to rework on it though: on the right side of the fuse, the lower limit of the stripe should be touching the upper left corner of the aft cargo door. Nothing too serious to sort out. The forward tip of the stripes, on top of the fuse will be rounded later.<br><br>As for the darker color on the aft fuse: I think I'll try to reach a somewhat Pullmann brown for it. Any of you guys around here know if it's either pure black or actually pullmann brown on it?<br><br>Wings: light gray, with darker gray corogard. Some surfaces (spoilers, inboard aileros, inboard flaps) were painted on shade of gray between the overall light gray and the corogard (it's actually a mix of 1x1 white and aluminum). Leading edges were painted with chrome.<br><br>Engine lips painted with aluminum, exhaust spikes painted in anthracite gray and chrome (Exhaust pictures are not uploading to photobucket, don't know why. Promise to bring them later on).<br><br>Pictures:<br><br><img src="http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d62/EduardoCruz/DSCN0062.jpg"><br><br><img src="http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d62/EduardoCruz/DSCN0060.jpg"><br><br>Best regards<br><br>Eduardo

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Not sure if this will assist you or not, but this is a photo I took last December of a pair of UPS MD11s' at Phoenix during the Christimas rush.


Not to sound like a smart-***, but your best bet to get an exact match on the brown would be to peel-off a small paint chip from a UPS truck the next time there is one driving around in your neighborhood.

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The trucks at least have their own "paint" I've been told it was a color specific to UPS. So I'm betting the aircraft would be painted with the same color. Just keep trying things till you get it close. Will be interesting to see when complete.

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Mrblujet, thanks a lot for you picture, it sure looks great and it has been saved on my hard drive for further references !

Living in Brazil makes it really hard to see any equipment from UPS - they do have some vehicles and other stuff here, but nothing compared to what you get in the US or Europe.

I have found what I think is a good match for the UPS Pullmann Brown: made it out of:

- 7x red

- 4x green

- 1x black

Looking at this mix against light showed it be a very dark brown - definitely not black, though. I tried it on a piece of remaining plastic from an old kit, and it looked ok to me, however, I don't know if it will look good on pictures I may take.

I'll try both with and without flash and see if something's good enough to show you guys here.

On a layover right now, should get some work done this weekend.

Best regards


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Bigasshammm, nice to know that!

Jeff, who works as a pilot for UPS at Louisville has posted at aircafe as well, and mentioned it to be "definitely brown" rather than black at all.

The color is what they call "Pullmann" Brown, and I hope this mix I've done gets close enough to it.



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Pics after applying Pullmann Brown (or so I think) on the MD-11.

First one's been taken without any flash, while second was shot with the camera flash. I only wish it could show better, but trust me, it's brown there!




Closer I could get to Pullmann Brown with all references I could have.

Still have to correct the stripes on a couple of spots to make it look smooth, it should be done tonight.



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I would say that you got the brown correct. Something else you need to keep in mind is the fact that these aircraft - as well as all other UPS vehicles - deal with different weather elements over time and will distort the true tone of the brown compared to its tone when it was originally applied to the vehicle in question. This can be said for all commercial and military vehicles.

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mrbluejet, i'm terrible with weathering...

got me a tamyia weathering set, and might use it to blow some oil stains aft of the gear doors. But that is also still to be tried first on a piece of old sprue before doing it on the model itself.

I almost ruined a B744 once trying to "wash" panel lines on it...


But thanks for pointing that out anyway!



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mrbluejet, i'm terrible with weathering...

got me a tamyia weathering set, and might use it to blow some oil stains aft of the gear doors. But that is also still to be tried first on a piece of old sprue before doing it on the model itself.

I almost ruined a B744 once trying to "wash" panel lines on it...


But thanks for pointing that out anyway!



No no! I am not saying that you need to weather the model. What I am saying is that your tone of brown on your model won't matter that much because it is difficult to get a true idea of what the original brown was to begin with because of the different weather that these UPS aircraft and trucks work in year-in and year-out. The heat, cold, sun, snow and wind will fade the colors on the aircraft. The only way you can an exact match for the brown used by UPS would be to contact the UPS corporate offices - though I doubt they would send you a sample for proprietary reasons. That is why I was saying that you shouldn't worry too much about whether or not you got the brown-tone correct. I don't know if this makes any sense or not.

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Oh! Sorry, I got it wrong!


Yes, it does make sense! Colors naturally fade away with time! You sure have a point here!



PS: By the way, I painted nav lights, and had the antennas and anticollision lights cut right now, will have them in place in a couple of hours. Landing gear struts and wheels are assembled and should be in place anytime soon now.

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Thanks Joe!

Some more pics as the model is almost done - only decals missing, you'll see them printed in the last picture.

Something is wrong with my inkjet printer - black prints are just odd, it took me a couple of print trials till I got one that was "so so".








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Honestly? Can't remember!


I remember googling something like "UPS logo PNG" and finding something nice enough, but can't remember where I found it! You want that for ya?

Gregg, the MD-11 is - IMHO - "THE" most beautiful jetliner EVER! Thanks for posting!



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Gregg, the MD-11 is - IMHO - "THE" most beautiful jetliner EVER! Thanks for posting!



I can't argue with that, Eduardo ... :thumbsup2:

My late father worked for Douglas/McDonnell Douglas for many years and a good portion of it was spent machining parts for DC-9/MD-80 Series and DC-10/MD-11 Series jetliners ...

So, they will always have a special place in my heart ...


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Yeah, Gregg... you can't beat those shapes of the late MD's.

And as far as propliners are concerned as well, the DC-7C has such a fine and clean look... it beats even the so-loved Connie!

Thanks everyone for your kind words.

The model is now receiving some last decals - small details such as probes, and reg numbers. I will also give it another coat of chrome on the wings' leading edges, as handling the model has faded most of the shine on it.

Stay tuned and soon it'll come out ready for display!



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Nearly done. All is missing is a last clear coat to smoothen up decals, and one coat of chrome on the wings' leading edges (faded away after much handling!).

Decals are home made. Yellow stripe has been painted with an airbrush, reg numbers close to the aft doors are printed on a white back decal paper, and then trimmed to fit the pullmann brown paint, as well as the logo on the tail.

The "Worldwide services - synchronyzing the world of commerce" was designed letter after letter, as I couldn't find the exact font for it on the net - neither could I find a close match...

Lights, antennae, and SATCOM made of sprue plastic and small pieces of white decal.

Best regards and thanks for following this!








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