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This is my first post in critique corner, and i need you to give me some hints to improve my skills.

First, this is my 5th finished model after a 20 year break from scalemodelling. I think it's ok so far, but

it could be better. So, you may have seen it in the display case, but here, you can hammer it down.











Cheers, Patrick

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The only critique I have is it's never sunny in England. Great model very nice work and weathering. I couldn't spot anything wrong. By the way there were a few sunny days when I lived there.

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Looks great.

Only thing I noticed was that some decals had silvering. The main offender was the LN decal on the left vertical stabilizer. Looks like the silvering is right along that panel line. Its easy to fix, though. Just poke some holes in the silvering with a new #11 blade and brush some Micro Sol on it and that should work. Same thing with the decal at the front of the left intake.

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Hey Patrick, I think you've made a fine job of your F-15E and you should be very proud.

It's quite difficult to offer helpful critique based on photos over the internet because some things can appear exaggerated.

Whilst not wishing to actually criticise your model in any way I would offer a couple of observations if I may?

It is possible to see the clear edge of the canopy where it attaches to the framing in a couple of images. This is notoriously difficult effect to eradicate. In the past I've applied some black or dark grey paint to the edges of the clear part before adhering it to the canopy rail. This sometimes reduces the stark edge of the clear canopy part.

On the image showing a close up of the aileron some of the wash looks slightly grainy. When this happens to me it is for one of two reasons. It is either because of the cloth I use to wipe the wash away producing bits of fluff or the surface of the paintwork is not quite smooth. (Sometimes it's both reasons :rolleyes: )

To make the wash look less dirty I've either used a higher quality cloth or polished the paintwork to remove any surface imperfections before using the wash.

A little bit of satincoat or mattcoat on the tyres may help them look more like rubber. A high gloss shine can sometimes look unusual or unrealistic unless you are aiming for a brand new, showroom shine.

These are small comments on an otherwise super model. You've done a grand job and should be proud of your accompishment.



Edited by geedubelyer
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The only critique I have is it's never sunny in England. Great model very nice work and weathering. I couldn't spot anything wrong. By the way there were a few sunny days when I lived there.

Indeed, "I love Summer -my favourite week of the year!" (quote from a Britmodeller member)

Yes, that is the kind of build that makes me think I should have taken up golf or maybe fishing... :thumbsup:

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Thank you boys. You gave me some usefull tips to make the next model look better in some areas.

Yes the decals silvering on some points. After the future coat, i applied the decals with a

cotton-wool tip. Maybe not with enough pressure on it. I fixed them with micro sol and it looks ok.

But after drying, a few blisters came out. Ok, now i know how to fix it.

The canopy frame... good idea geedubelyer. Canopys are the parts i give hell of a respect, for fear of

doing something wrong. But next time i will try to mask the frames off and paint them.

Many thanks for your advices !!

Cheers, Patrick

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  • 4 weeks later...

AWESOME build! The only thing I can comment on is the choice of colour and the silver paint that you used. The grey looked a bit too light for Strike Eagle, while the silver paint looked a bit too dull. From F-15E pics that I've seen on Airliners.net, the silver bit at the rear fuselage should be quite shiny. If you're using acrylic paint, you might want to try using Citadel paints. Their metallic range is awesome.

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