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Revell has announced that it will re-release the 747 SCA in 1/144. This is good news for anybody trying to build the 747-200 with JT9D engines, as this kit has them (if i'm not mistaken).

Kinda sad that i have in my stash a SCA that i paid more than 60 euros for as this kit will probably be around the 25 euro mark.

But hey, we get a 747-200 with JT9D engines. I know what i'm asking for Christmas.

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I want to build a 747-200 for my Dad (retired)in Pan Am markings. He was a captain and flew EVERY -200 "Clipper" variant Pan Am had over 25+ years of service. I think he even flew the SP and cargo versions.

This would REALLY put a smile on his face and a tear in his eye if I can get markings for this model.

Here is hoping..



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