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Model Inventory Software

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I would like to get my collection organized and did not want to 'reinvent the wheel'. I was wondering what is being used to for inventory software by other modelers. I was hoping to keep track of manufacturer, name, mfg.-kit#, cost/msrp, scale and possibly a few customizable field for Apple OS.

Thanks ahead of time


Edited by jager
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I use Suisoft Kitbase, great software! They have a free trial version which is easily updated to the paid version later.

Suisoft Kitbase

Gary from Kitbase got back with me very promptly after my inquiry. He indicated he has a MAC compatible version in the works. I have been disorganized up to this point, so I'm willing to wait for it. You guys are right, this is good software.

Thanks for your inputs


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I just use a basic Excel spread sheet that I just made up.

You can import spreadsheets into KitBase now.

KitBase might not be for you if you're happy with your spreadsheet, but you can try it out for free:


Some time ago, I knocked up a comparison chart (KitBase versus Spreadsheet):




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I've pondered the possibility of using a software program for my stash of models, supplies and paints. But then it got me to thinking that if I have so much crud that I need the use of a computer to keep track of it all, that means I've got a problem. I sold a bunch of stuff and just started focusing on the "building" aspect instead of the "getting" aspect. Besides, if I have to enter in all that info into some sort of program, why should I do that when I could take that time and dedicate it to building?


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I use Bento on my Mac. It is sort of a consumerized version of FileMaker Pro and has an I am a spammer, please report this post. app that you can get also. I used to use Excel, but Bento is a true relational database. Very easy to set up, so tracking what you have does not take away from doing the actual hobby...

I would like to get my collection organized and did not want to 'reinvent the wheel'. I was wondering what is being used to for inventory software by other modelers. I was hoping to keep track of manufacturer, name, mfg.-kit#, cost/msrp, scale and possibly a few customizable field for Apple OS.

Thanks ahead of time


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Hi all,

I use My Stuff 2 and it is very good to keep all your stash on your hands all the time when you need it. It is only $5.00.

Is there a version for Windows? This price is right.

I would like to see a hobbyist supported software that allows users to exchange MACRO to enhance program function.

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I would like to see a hobbyist supported software that allows users to exchange MACRO to enhance program function.

Can you elaborate on what you mean? I am considering releasing a kit stash management software/service myself, and would be interested in hearing what kind of features users want.

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Has there been any thought to an iOS/Android/Windows Mobile port? Something that can be put on a database to be accessible on a smartphone would be nice feature, since that would come in really handy when at a the local hobby store or a show.

Edited by Supertom
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Has there been any thought to an iOS/Android/Windows Mobile port? Something that can be put on a database to be accessible on a smartphone would be nice feature, since that would come in really handy when at a the local hobby store or a show.

I'm working towards a Mac and iOS port with KitBase. Unfortunately, it's dependent on a couple of Microsoft-specific technologies at the moment.

Right now you can export the KitBase reports to PDF or Excel format and access these via an app on iOS/Android. The 'lite' versions of the PDF/document readers are free.

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