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new dekals @ fundekals.com

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Gang -

We have added 3 new sets of decals to the website - www.fundekals.com

P-51D "Daddy's Girl" - 2 versions in 1/72, 1/48, and 1/32

My linkhttp://fundekals.com/p51DaddysGirl.html

Spitfire XVI "Val" 403 Sqn RCAF - 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32



Mosquito F-8 "the Spook" (as you've never seen her before) in 1/72 and 1/48


Also, we have made the Lance Wade Spitfire Mk VIII available again - the code corrections have been added (per discussions on BritMod).


(those that already bought the Wade Spitfire should have their free correction decal any day now.)

- JS @ fundekals.com

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Edited by wally7506
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That Mosquito looks cool.

What kit would be good for that in 1/48?

If you start with the Tamiya B.IV you're 90% there. There are some minor changes to the canopy and the engine nacelles. (or you could build a B.IV OOB and call it a day - you'd still be close to right).

I think the BEST kit to do the "Spook" with would be the Revell AG 1/48 kit -- with new spinners (and landing gear), of course. The canopy can be built in the right configuration OOB from that kit.


JS @ fündekals

Edited by wally7506
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That is still on the list - might be Fall, maybe January :(

Oh, that's fine. Your investment in this would be larger than mine, so I'm already grateful that you guys have agreed to do the sheet in the first place. I'm still working on my KC-135 and I got sidetracked with another project (haha, like that doesn't happen to modelers) so I was going to see if I needed to hurry up and get back to it. I think I'll work on getting it to the decal point and stop there until the decal is out then.


Edited by Supertom
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