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A modern 1/72 Flanker kit guide?

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a question to the Flankers specialists.

I received with great interest the information about the Trumpeter Flanker kit. Read some information here and discussion amongst the specialists, saw reviews and builds over here. Happy that 2011/2012 revived the interest of the model industry in this family of aircraft.

The Italeri Sea Flanker I had on my shelves was happily replaced by the Hasegawa kit. The Airfix and Hasegawa models of the Flanker I had were also pushed aside but have not been replaced yet. Also I understand that with the Trumpeter release the ICM kit (an Airfix molds revamp?)is not the 72nd Flanker of choice.

I am confident the Trumpeter kit will do the job... that is when it is released. The J-10 (read J-11 - edited) year or so and I thought the Su-27 would follow quickly. I am more after a standar Russian version than a Chinese version of the kit and I'd rather wait for the Su-27 release.

As to sum up :

* anybody knows if there are still plans (by Trumpy) to release the Su-27 boxing end when?

* anybody knows if it is true Zvezda is to release a new 72nd Flanker tooling?

* I read sometimes here over ARC that there were some J-15 plans in 1/72nd scale by Trumpeter if memory serves (sorry I am not a specialist of Chinese aviation and designations - I mean the Chinese Sea Flanker). Is that true or were these rumours only? As a naval aviation fan, if I am not that interested in buying both a Trumpy J-10 and Su-27, I would easily buy a Hasegawa Su-33 and Trumpy J-15 kit.

Thank you all for the information you might provide so that I can plan to organize my Flanker family stash.


Eric B.

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From the looks of the 1/72 Chinese-engined PLAAF 'Flanker' variants that Trumpeter have so far released, there are a number of quite remarkable shortcomings so I wouldn't write off the ICM item yet.

If you haven't already seen them, I recommend a study of pretty much all Flankerman's related threads! Maybe start here...

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I really MUST update my Flanker Kits Survey - to include all the latest releases........

Trumpeter have so far released a J-11B, Su-30MKK and Su-27UB (which I used to make an IAF Su-30K (see the MKK link).

AFAIK, they are planning to release a 'proper' RusAF Su-27, an 'early' Su-27 and a J-15 (aren't there shots of this somewhere on ARC???)

IMHO (and its only MO) - the Trumpeter 1:72 scale Flanker are currently the best available.

They have their issues, but they are basically accurate in outline - but mostly, they are reasonably priced and readily available - unlike the previous winners, the Airfix Su-27 and Heller Su-27UB.

You can dismiss them for their outline faults (mis-aligned wheel wells, canopy shape, LERX shape, fin shape (on MKK) etc etc) - but IMHO again - these faults are minor and they will do for now until something better comes along. :pray:


Su-30K and Su-30MKK......




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Tank you all,

Pin, if a Su-35 that is even better, different version, late improvement of the Flanker family. If so, it will not be make a choice between Zvezda and Trumpeter but buy myself a Trumpy Su-27 AND a Zvezda Su-35.

ChippyWho : thank you for the link. Re-read talks about the Trumpy Flankers and even found a way to a in progress build.

Flankerman thank you to sum up what I thought I was understanding from your statement. It makes things clearer to me. I understand Trumpy is not perfect but still has to be the best 1/72nd scale Su-27 Flanker available in the predictable future.

What I am after is the best balance between accuracy, sharpness, and ease of construction. Airfix is (quite) accurate but hard to build why mine was pushed off my shelve. Hasegawa is sharp and easy to build but not accurate and it was removed also. My understanding from what has been discussed over here is that Trumpy is accurate enough, sharp enough, "buildable" enough and thus they will be my Su-27 of choice.

Thank you all for your kind information and I'll wait for the Trumpy Su-27 release and J-15 eventually (yes I saw shots here - with folded flying surfaces - but was not sure if it really was a 1/72nd scaleproject).

Eric B.

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Zvezda's kit will be modular like their Mi-24 line. They will eventually release Su-27. Here is hoping they won't be taken for a ride by Sukhoi Corp. like they were with T-50.

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Eric you can combine kits for example - you can buy Trumpeter J-11B and Hasegawa Su-33 and switch between the kits cockpit instrument panel, exhausts and weapons with associated pylons and you'll mostly get (with slight modification still needed) standard Su-27 and J-15.

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Another option for an Su-27 is to use the Trump J-11 and buy the ICM Russian A/A Weapons set. The J-11 kit already got the correct exhaust, nose and Su-27 instrument panel piece although not the decal. The ICM set would provide more accurate and better pylons and weapons than say the trumpeter Su-27 when it's released. Why? Because the already released Su-27UB contains the same russian pylons sprue that should be in the Su-27 when it's released and some of them aren't accurate, not even close to representing the supposed item.

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Did Sukhoi want A big licensing fee or something?

No, Zvezda's rep claimed they were given either intentionally altered or outdated early prototype blueprints by Sukhoi (which they in turn claimed were authentic). Zvezda was nearly done CNC'ing the molds when public presentation of T-50-1 took place sometime in February of 2010. Looking at the surfaced media they quickly realized that much of the cutting had to be redone to match the shape and form of the flight-ready T-50.

Since there is hardly anything classified about Flanker's appearance, they should be in the good shape. Though, I have feeling they will be using Mikheev's projections out of Polygon's Su-27 Chronograph book for fact checking.

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May I indroduce the next member of the Chinese Flanker family ???

So, the next round of discussion might be open :whistle: with the unveiling of the J-16 prototype #1606 of Shenyang's "equivalent" to the Su-30MKK.

Follwong the sparse information available, it seems indeed to have an IFR-probe, WS-10A Taihang turbofans, a new radar (if the often mentioned AESA ???), the stronger front landing gear with two tires .... but :o the former Russian smaller wing-tip pylons.



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From their "in progress" section:


This is "Su-35", not "Su-27"

Well, it isn't on the picture ;). This artwork outline shows well known Su-27SM (b/n 04 from Lipetsk) and not any Su-35 of any generation. It has been pointed out on their forums that the designation is wrong, but they havent cared to correct it. It has been like that for months.

Pin, if a Su-35 that is even better, different version, late improvement of the Flanker family. If so, it will not be make a choice between Zvezda and Trumpeter but buy myself a Trumpy Su-27 AND a Zvezda Su-35.

Eric B.

They are planning to make 4-6 Flanker versions (they haven't decided which ones exactly yet, at least some months ago they haven't) but first one out is Su-27SM. Personally i would sit on my hands and wait, as the Trump kit doesn't impress me much. If they decide to make Su-35 or Su-35S it won't be released at least til later in 2013 obviously.

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Thank you all, I think things get clearer to me now… A case of Trumpy, Zvezda or wait..

Eric you can combine kits for example - you can buy Trumpeter J-11B and Hasegawa Su-33 and switch between the kits cockpit instrument panel, exhausts and weapons with associated pylons and you'll mostly get (with slight modification still needed) standard Su-27 and J-15.

Sabastijan : I think that is a nice but expensive option. I would probably exercise this option if I knew Hasegawa Su-33 and Trumpy J-11 were left alone. But as Trumpy is to release a plain Russian Su-27 there is no real need to combine kits on the Su-27 affair.

J-15 is different : I am not that interested in the J-15 per se. But if what I think a saw here on ARC (kind of confirmed by Flankerman) about a Trumpy J-15 comes true, it might come with foldable surfaces. And THAT would build my interest in the model. I would then have a straight Su-33 (Hasegawa) and a folded J-15/Su-33 (Trumpy). Again, combining the Trumpy J-11 and Hasegawa Su-33 would not cover my wishes.

Ill wait then : Please Trumpy J-15!

Another option for an Su-27 is to use the Trump J-11 and buy the ICM Russian A/A Weapons set. The J-11 kit already got the correct exhaust, nose and Su-27 instrument panel piece although not the decal. The ICM set would provide more accurate and better pylons and weapons than say the trumpeter Su-27 when it's released. Why? Because the already released Su-27UB contains the same russian pylons sprue that should be in the Su-27 when it's released and some of them aren't accurate, not even close to representing the supposed item.

Yes why not Inquisitor. J-11 boxing is no problem for exhausts and cockpit as in all cases I will use resin bits for them (see Aires probably). The one spot are pylons (I very seldom use armament on my models). So good suggestion here!

I have to buy this ICM set. Final question are the wingtip Su-27 pylons : are they enclosed in the ICM? If I can solve that last problem I might not need to wait the Trumpy Su-27 and buy a J-11 instead

They are planning to make 4-6 Flanker versions (they haven't decided which ones exactly yet, at least some months ago they haven't) but first one out is Su-27SM. Personally i would sit on my hands and wait, as the Trump kit doesn't impress me much. If they decide to make Su-35 or Su-35S it won't be released at least til later in 2013 obviously.

Hi Berkut .. you right, from all discussions above I understand the Flanker case is not closes in our scale.

I think from what I read I am going in for my Hasegawa Su-33 (already on my shelves), Trumpy Su-27 (or J-11 depending) and maybe one modern Zvezda Su-35 (if released and if Zvezda quality permits) all this to cover the Flanker family.

Cheers all.

Eric B.

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Yes why not Inquisitor. J-11 boxing is no problem for exhausts and cockpit as in all cases I will use resin bits for them (see Aires probably). The one spot are pylons (I very seldom use armament on my models). So good suggestion here!

I have to buy this ICM set. Final question are the wingtip Su-27 pylons : are they enclosed in the ICM? If I can solve that last problem I might not need to wait the Trumpy Su-27 and buy a J-11 instead

Yes it got the two pairs of wingtip pylons and sorbtsiya ecm pods. You get enough to fully arm two planes and many spares depending on what you use.

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Well, whatever Zvezda comes up with, I hope they have the 2-seat canard variants in mind...

It will be pretty challenging kit to build-they are likely to partition fuselage into three pieces, completely separate wings and other aerodynamic surfaces. You are looking to fill and sand four seams, running atop center-plane.

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Yes it got the two pairs of wingtip pylons and sorbtsiya ecm pods. You get enough to fully arm two planes and many spares depending on what you use.

Thank you. It would make the Trumpy J-11/ICM weapon set the right combination : no need to wait longer, J-11 alternative parts for specific version and ICM (more accurate parts) to build a standard Su-17 plus of course Aires resins for cockpit and exhausts..)

That might weel be my way now a à 1/72nd scale Flanker.

Cheers again

Eric B.

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