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B-52H Detail Question

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I bought a old B-52H AMT/Ertl Kit on line and the kit was sold as is. With the color legend sheet missing.

I know the real current plane is painted overall gunship gray. But I have no idea what the interior landing gear bays and doors are.

I assumed gloss white but after looking at recent web pics, I can't really tell if it's a gloss white, or a really light shade of gray.

If anybody knows the name or FS# of the correct color in that area of the plane I'd appreciate it.

Thanks and regards.

Edited by AtomicBomber
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Looks like it depends on what time frame you're talking about. In looking at some pictures I took in 2007, it's pretty clear that the gear doors were originally chromate green (like in the 1/4 oz Testors bottles) but had been repainted gloss white. The actual interiors of the bays seems to be a bit of everything: some white, some chromate green and lots of wiring and hydraulic lines.

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For the main gear, I think several of those pictures illustrate the difference in colors between the lower portion of the main gear struts (white) and the bays & gear doors (light gray). In the third and fourth pictures above, note the contrast between the white of the strut and the gray of the linkage connecting the gear door to the strut.

In his 2002 FSM article, Paul Boyer used FS 16473 for the light gray on the main gear doors and wells. I don't know his source, but I used that color on my model and think it nails the light gray you see in the pictures.

Italeri's callouts of white and chromate yellow are appropriate for the tip gear, as the photos indicate.



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Thanks for the reply Gator52,

Yeah I'm seeing light gray in P-38 guy's pics as well. I just wasn't sure if the pics I been going by were affected by other sources, making the color look darker then it really was.

And thanks for the FS# I would've never guessed.


Edited by AtomicBomber
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