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P.S. I'm guessing you can tell old from new by the box? I just perused a few on eBay just to see what's there...but I'm guessing the old tool has the white box with a painting on the top, and the new-tool is the box with black sides and usually an actual photograph on the top?

Edited by Andrew D. the Jolly Rogers guy
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P.S. I'm guessing you can tell old from new by the box? I just perused a few on eBay just to see what's there...but I'm guessing the old tool has the white box with a painting on the top, and the new-tool is the box with black sides and usually an actual photograph on the top?

Yeah, i am 99% sure the old tool is the one with boxart and big white area on left. I know for a fact the skunk works is new tool, gray dragon i am pretty certain is as well, and Idol master one must be as well.

Edited by Berkut
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Hey Berkut, what about the Academy kit? That one looks pretty decent to me. Did Hasegawa catch something that Academy missed out on the details?

I think Academy one looks simply horrible. It is fairly old i think, so that might explain it. Look at the intakes for instance.




Nose is wrong, the "sit" is wrong, etc etc. There is simply no reason whatsoever to get Acad if you are willing to spend more than 20 bucks. Hasegawa one is worth it imho.

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Let me follow this up with, are there any good a/m decals for it in 1/72? Preferably something with art on the insides of the weapons bay doors like they had in the first Gulf War?

There isn't much out there. Be advised that the 1/72nd TwoBobs "Kosovo Bandits" sheet, due to "printing restictions", lacks the mission markings which were the single reason I ordered the damn sheet in the first place...



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Hasegawa, hands down. Built one and it is great. They have old tool, and new tool. Obviously get ahold of the newever one.

Actually the White box and the Limited Editions (photo covers) are the same plastic.

The "old tool" doesn't exist anymore, from what I read Hasegawa did a boo boo just like the other companies using the distorted photos and soon removed it from it's catalogue. Here's a link to a discussion about it and there a photo of that old tool kit. http://www.network54.com/Forum/149674/thread/1325385565/F-117s+in+1-72+scale

Proof is that I have white box, stars & stripes, skunk works and idolm@ster. All are the same plastic. Some limited editions like this one http://www.hlj.com/product/HSG00086 and the idolm@ster one got the extra sprue with the weapon bays, bombs and miscellenous parts. If you want it with open bomb bays, the idolm@ster boxing with bombbay parts got 60% discount at HLJ right now, putting it at the same 1200 yen price as the white boxing, not a problem if you're using aftermarket decals.

Edited by Inquisitor
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  • 2 months later...

Sorry to revive an old thread, but yes the "OLD" hase kit is a shame. it's cartoonish at best...in fact, its called the US AIR FORCE STEALTH FIGHTER. avoid it at all costs. i just picked one up accidentally because the seller mislisted it as F-117. he refunded me and i used the funds to pick up the kit with the white sidebar box art (not flag or gray dragons). so if indeed the tools are the same from that version on, go for it. eduards PE sets are pretty awesome for spiffing it up, too.

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