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Star Wars Episodes 7 , 8, and 9! Poll Added


85 members have voted

  1. 1. Will Disney E7-9 be better than Lucas E1-3?

    • Yes! Can't be worse than the Prequal Trilogy. Disney knows what they are doing.
    • Maybe- But nothing will ever beat E4-6 (Ewoks Aside)
    • No- Disney will Mousketeer them and make Jar-Jar look like a saint

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In the words of Darth Vader, “NOOOOOOOOOOOO!â€Â

I saw the headline late last night but I didn’t have the heart to read it. Can you imagine what a Disney-produced Star Wars would be like? I can’t even begin to think what that train wreck would be like. It’s too depressing to think about. Fewer fights. Padme no longer in skin-tight white outfits. More singing. More Jar-Jar. More singing Jar-Jar.


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More Jar-Jar. More singing Jar-Jar.

Lucas had to invent Jar Jar in order for us to be afraid of seeing him :D I really don't think Disney can top that.

Next, Lucas ruined the Star Wars franchise. They are his to ruin to be fair, but if the prequels weren't bad enough he keeps going back and changing the originals-- And not "tweeks" here and there, huge jarring, character altering, plot altering major changes.

I don't think Disney can rekill a dead patient. can they do any worse?

Lucas got lucky with the first one and then has been on cruise control ever since.

I think there is something to that. It has really shown as he goes back and tries to undo his luck as well. If CG had been around in the 1970's and he could have done all the things he wanted back then, Star Wars would have sucked. Lucas got full 100 percent Cart Blanche on the prequels and look at what he did with it...

A big shout out to Kershner, he made Empire, and that gave Star Wars a lot of credibility and depth. Then you had a recycled plot with teddy bears mixed in to finish it out. :doh:

"An entire legieon of my best troops..." = Biggest bluff ever.

The Cartoon Network is the only thing that has given us respectable Star Wars in almost 30 years!! Think about that! Been amazed at how simple yet well done those shows are. CN Clone Wars is the one good thing that came from the prequels. It does crazy things like develop characters and then put them in difficult situations so we care what happens to them. Revolutionary.

Edited by TaiidanTomcat
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Singing Jar-Jar. Sure, why not. I can think of a scene or two I'd like to see him in. Personally, I'd like a scene in the new movie of Darth Vader slicing off a singing Jar-Jar Binks head with a light saber.....

But that's just me.

I'm mean and heartless.

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Singing Jar-Jar. Sure, why not. I can think of a scene or two I'd like to see him in. Personally, I'd like a scene in the new movie of Darth Vader slicing off a singing Jar-Jar Binks head with a light saber.....

But that's just me.

I'm mean and heartless.

I'm just saying if Disney wanted to ruin Star Wars they are about 15 years too late.

Someone said the greatest victory of the Prequels is that we didn't get introduced to some bratty, obnoxious, kid named "Han" thats a pretty sad truth. Lucky Han got ruined with the "shot first" scene. Whew that was close! Almost missed one!

I was just happy that the latest iteration of the old series didn't have Jar Jar walking around A Star Destroyer, you know to "connect" everything :rolleyes:

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LOL at the Poll :rofl:

I'm a Star Wars nerd. I admit it. The Prequels failed not because of some nerdism like a purple light saber, it failed in basic story telling. It was a huge letdown. Worse still, the Prequels were then used to modify the original films, thus by extension making the better films worse.

Nothing more exciting than nameless faceless clones, fighting faceless brittle robots, with characters we don't care about in an intergalactic war we already know the end of in order to sell merchandise.

And for the record you can make a story where you know whats going to happen exciting still, in fact most movies do this, 99 percent of the time the good guys win anyway but we don't shut our TV off.

Edited by TaiidanTomcat
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Could actually turn out to be good. Maybe getting George Lucas out of it might be for the better. The first movie, (Epp 4), was a good, fun movie, but as time went on, they got more and more bloated, and I think a lot of that was due to Lucas and his "vision" (and revision) when the series became an unexpected hit. Also, the prequels suffered a bit from being prequels, so you were forced into a storyline that had to end up where Epp 4 picked up (as well as changing things in the earlier movies to match the later movies). With 7-8-9, they have more freedom. You can put some stuff in the beginning of 7 to tie it to Luke, Leia, or Han, but after that, you can go anywhere in the SW universe with new characters and storylines. Of course, they could also continue to drive it into the ground like they did with Pirates of the Caribbean.

To be honest, I don't think John Carter was that bad of a movie. I think it was poorly marketed and a bit confusing, but I think it was a bit better than a lot of people give it credit for. Even the title was poor (John Carter of Mars would have been better). Visually, I think it looked pretty good, but they should have developed some of the characters more and explained better the situation on Mars and who the bald shape shifter guys were and what they were doing.

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To quote every character as some point in the SW franchise: "I have a bad feeling about this....."

Just remember, Disney also owns the Muppets..so I sense a return of the Ewoks.

Seriously though, maybe with the SW franchise in different hands they can finally get some decent writers involved.


Edited by Steve N
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Well, with all of the books that followed the original series, there are several paths these next movies can go. My son is extremely happy and has already started guessing as to who the characters will be and the storyline.

Let's hope they do it justice.


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Lucas got lucky with the first one and then has been on cruise control ever since.

I don't think he got lucky - he worked his butt off (and everyone else who worked on it.) The problem was the success that followed created a situation where they never had to work that hard again. Nothing like the fear of total failure to help motivate you...

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Its already been touched on some, but WHAT will Episodes 7-9 be about?

I think their must be a Skywalker; either Luke goes the way of Vader or it's about Han and Leia's Children. R2-D2 and C3-PO are a must and some will also say to include Chewie. I think all 3 of those characters are doable even with different actors. No matter what the technology, you can't replace Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, or Mark Hamill, so why try? They also can't go too far into the future or they risk losing familiarity with a core audience.

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I remember reading an interview with Mark Hamill in the late 90s when Episode 1 was ramping up that he said GL had asked him how he would feel about reprising his role of Luke but at as an older Jedi Master much like Obi Wan was in Episode 4 ... That could be the direction the Sequel Trilogy takes or they might use the EU novels as an outline such as Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy ...


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This is already doomed to fail. The biggest problem is Lucas allowed several writers to publish novels in the mid 90's that continued the story and have been considered canon up to this point. Now Lucas comes in, destroys all the back story that Star Wars fans around the world have accepted for almost 20 years because he can't keep his stuff straight. This is fundamentally the very reason Episodes 1 through 3 failed. Lucas never intended on continuing the stories and gave it to third party science fiction novelists, comic book writers, etc to fill in the gaps. Then Lucas got greedy, realized people will pay hand over fist if new Star Wars movies came out and threw out all the filler that the novelists and comic guys created.

So unless Episodes 7 through 9 will be the Thrawn trilogy, leave me out.

Edited by PNW_Modeler
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Holy Cr@p! :jaw-dropping:


Never thought I'd live to see the day. Just hope Mickey and Company can do a better job than Lucas did on Episodes 1-3.


I am still in awe and jumping with excitment!

Yes, I never thought I see such a news in this lifetime. In fact, almost gave up on such news of new SW movies.


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